Learn How to Perform an Unusual New Abdominal Exercise

Written by Rick DeToma

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Learn How to Perform an Unusual New Abdominal Exercise ©Rick DeToma

I was stretching after my workout at a local gymrepparttar 112893 other day and saw this person doing a new abdominal exercise. I just had to tell you about it. This exercise is a bit complex so I'll do my best to providerepparttar 112894 details so you'll understand what I was witnessing.

Here's a humorous look at a new abdominal exercise:

First select a stability ball that is too small for your height. Next, lay back onrepparttar 112895 ball like you would to perform a traditional crunch except, instead of having your lower back supported byrepparttar 112896 ball, slide your hips down so your butt is just a few inches offrepparttar 112897 floor. This isrepparttar 112898 starting position.

Now clasp your hands behind your head and wrench your neck as far forward as you can. Be sure to hold your breath from this point out. Now in a rhythmic fashion, wrench your head towards your chest and try not to let your butt hit floor! Return torepparttar 112899 start position.

The Top 5 Things You Must Know Before Applying for a Mortgage

Written by Rob Sallay

You’ve been thinking about buying your own home for quite a long time, and now you’re ready to takerepparttar plunge. You’ve been saving money for a down payment, and you knowrepparttar 112891 next step is preparing to apply for a mortgage.

But where do you start?

Here arerepparttar 112892 top 5 things you need to know before approaching a mortgage lender.

1. Understand Your Options All mortgages are not created equal. There are several different types, which vary based on interest rates and payment terms.

For example:

• With a fixed-rate mortgage, your monthly payments remainrepparttar 112893 same duringrepparttar 112894 entire length ofrepparttar 112895 mortgage. There will be no variations in monthly payments, regardless of changes in interest rates and inflation.

• With an adjustable-rate mortgage, you will often receive a lower initial interest rate, but your monthly payment amount can rise and fall as interest rates fluctuate (within certain caps or limits).

• With a balloon or reset mortgage, you once again may be offered a low interest rate, but it will hold for a limited time. After that,repparttar 112896 balance ofrepparttar 112897 mortgage will be due, or you will need to refinance.

2. Become a Rate Watcher The state ofrepparttar 112898 economy influences interest rates, which ebb and flow on a regular basis.

Your daily newspaper tracks these rates, so stay current by watching whether rates are rising, falling or remaining stable.

It behooves you to become as educated as possible about how these rates will affect your mortgage—and to see if you want to postpone applying for one until rates drop.

3. Get Pre-Approved Consider getting pre-approved for a mortgage, says Frank Nothaft, PhD, vice president and chief economist for Freddie Mac,repparttar 112899 stockholder-owned corporation established byrepparttar 112900 United States Congress in 1970 to create a continuous flow of funds to mortgage lenders in support of homeownership and rental housing.

”A benefit of being pre-approved for a mortgage loan is that it givesrepparttar 112901 prospective homebuyer additional bargaining leverage when competing with other prospective buyers for a home,” he says. “A home seller may be more likely to accept an offer from a pre-approved borrower—becauserepparttar 112902 seller knowsrepparttar 112903 buyer can get a loan—than from another bidder, who may be exactlyrepparttar 112904 same in financial qualifications and offer, except that he lacksrepparttar 112905 pre-approval.”

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