Learn How to Fail

Written by Jude Wright

Learn How to Fail (c) Jude Wright 2004

II bet you've heardrepparttar phrase, "Failure is not an option." But, let's think about it.

What would happen if no one ever failed - at anything? How would you learn? Learning from past failures, and successes, shows us how we can do it better next time. Without mistakes, we would never appreciate our accomplishments.

There is a lesson to be learned from each mistake. Take that mistake and make it your challenge. Break it into pieces. What wasrepparttar 123090 turning point to change it from success into failure?

Takerepparttar 123091 first step and analyze it. Did it work like you wanted? Good. Go torepparttar 123092 next step. Keep going.

At each step, decide how you can improverepparttar 123093 process, wording, product - whateverrepparttar 123094 problem is. Then, try again.

Evenrepparttar 123095 Wright brothers' first flight failed, but they tried again. What if THEY had given up?

Persevere. Your challenges will leadrepparttar 123096 way to your successes.

Inrepparttar 123097 middle of difficulty lies Opportunity. Albert Einstein

Post-Traumatic Transformational Syndrome?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

For years we’ve heardrepparttar phrase “post-traumatic stress syndrome” referring to what happens to a person after they go through a traumatic event. It seems to implyrepparttar 123089 results will always be negative. Yet if you’re like me, you probably know people who’ve come outrepparttar 123090 other side of traumas stronger, more resilient, and maybe even “better” people because of it. Like a broken bone, they seem to heal stronger than before. In line withrepparttar 123091 new positive psychology, I’ve even begun to seerepparttar 123092 term “post-traumatic growth syndrome”.

Well, here’s a poignant example that can inspire us all.

It’s about Natasha. She’s a 5 year-old macaque monkey who lives atrepparttar 123093 Safari Park near Tel Aviv and look at her now! Here’s a photo: http://ak.imgfarm.com/images/ap/MIDEAST_ISRAEL_UPRIGHT_MONKEY.sff_XEM801_20040721154635.jpg of this brave girl! (fromrepparttar 123094 Maariv daily).

Walking tall and proud, isn’t she?

Well here’srepparttar 123095 lead fromrepparttar 123096 associated press: “A young monkey at an Israeli zoo has started walking on its hind legs only – aping humans – after a near death experience,repparttar 123097 zoo’s veterinarian said Wednesday.”

Yes, Natasha had a rough time. She had a stomach ailment that nearly killed her. “I was sure that she was going to die,” said Igal Horowitz,repparttar 123098 veterinarian. “She could hardly breathe and her heart was not functioning properly.”

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