Learn How To Prevent Back Pain At Home Or At Work Today!

Written by Robert Walker

Self-help for a very aggravating problem that most of us will face.

Among ailments, onlyrepparttar common cold is more common. Overrepparttar 113901 course of our lives, four out of five of us will suffer from back pain, and more than a quarter of us will miss work because of it. Tremendous sums of money are spent on back pain. Inrepparttar 113902 U.S. alone, it eats up $16 billion dollars each year for treatment and compensation for missed work.

All that pain and expense is so unnecessary. As is true for many, if not most, ailments, prevention is far better than a cure.

As many as half of all back problems are caused by improper lifting. You've heard it before, but I'll repeat it anyway: When you lift, don't bend over. Keep your back straight and lower yourself by bending you knees. Ifrepparttar 113903 object is heavy, don't be a hero. Get help! (Is it any wonder that males 20 to 24 years old arerepparttar 113904 most likely to hurt their backs?)

If you work at a job that stresses your back--medical work, warehousing, mechanical occupations, and garbage collection are top contenders--you may need to do more than just practice good lifting technique. Talk to your employer about changingrepparttar 113905 way you do your job to reducerepparttar 113906 stress on your back. Companies don't want disability payments any more than you want a bum back.

Treatment of back problems is surprisingly simple. Although many people think ofrepparttar 113907 spine as a complex and fragile collection of bones and mysterious tissues that formrepparttar 113908 weak link inrepparttar 113909 human anatomy, most cases of back pain are actually caused by muscle strain. For that reason, medical treatment usually isn't called for. Unlessrepparttar 113910 pain continues to worsen, you can do as much as your doctor to help you feel better.

The basic approach to do-it-yourself treatment is to take aspirin or ibuprofen, spend a day or two in bed (more probably won't help and may hinder recovery), and return to activity slowly. Some other things that may help include an ice pack forrepparttar 113911 first 48 hours and heat thereafter, a gentle massage, and getting some exercise as soon as possible. You'll also do better if you avoid sitting for long periods and use a a chair with a firm, straight back when you do have to sit.

Finally, just as you can build strong muscles in your arms, you can build a stronger, more injury-resistant back. Talk to a trainer at a local fitness center aboutrepparttar 113912 appropriate exercises, or read a book that demonstrates exercises for people with back pain. It may berepparttar 113913 best way to beat a back attack.

Here some exercise tips:

Exercises to minimize problems with back pain You can minimize problems with back pain with exercises that makerepparttar 113914 muscles in your back, stomach, hips and thighs strong and flexible. Some people keep in good physical condition by being active in recreational activities like running, walking, bike riding, and swimming. In addition to these conditioning activities, there are specific exercises that are directed toward strengthening and stretching your back, stomach, hip and thigh muscles.

The Importance of Touch

Written by D. Braun

Throughrepparttar simple process of touch, Reflexology is so effective inrepparttar 113900 healing process. Inrepparttar 113901 hi-tech world that we live in, touch has taken second place to machines.

Physiotherapists are now using machines instead of their hands. Doctors use machines to scan bodies and no longer rely on their hands for diagnosis. People have forgotten how to hug one another. They now shake hands. They walk past one another inrepparttar 113902 streets and do not even greet each other.

Electric blankets are used to keep warm in bed - human arms have become redundant. Healing takes place through an exchange of human energies and not through an exchange of electricity.

There is sufficient evidence that over-exposure to electricity increasesrepparttar 113903 risk of cancer. Even living near high voltage pylons is reputed to depleterepparttar 113904 immune system.

Research was done in an orphanage in London whererepparttar 113905 mortality rate of babies was very high. People were paid to come intorepparttar 113906 orphanage and to play with an experimental group of babies. The mortality rate remainedrepparttar 113907 same forrepparttar 113908 babies inrepparttar 113909 control group butrepparttar 113910 experimental group babies who were played with every day showed a higher survival rate.

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