Leadership Training Seminar - What makes a great leader?

Written by Stephanie Tuia

At one point or another, we have all been either a leader or a follower. While both roles are equally important, a leader plays an instrumental role in providing direction for his/her followers. A good way to identify an effective leader is to see if his/her followers are able to support and accomplish what their leader is asking of their team.

In order to be a great leader, one must possess various qualities that will attract followers. The following qualities are just of few ofrepparttar many qualities that are vital for effective leadership.


A notable charismatic leader was Martin Luther King, Jr. Decades after his death, King is still honored today for his passionate movement towards equality. His most famous speech, “I have a dream,” still impacts a current generation as his powerful words gracerepparttar 106982 majority of history textbooks all over America. His speech radiates personality because of his expressive words in his fight against inequality. Like King’s speech, charismatic leaders haverepparttar 106983 gift to touch people through their choice of words. Charismatic leaders are alluring, charming and can encourage followers to support a grand vision or idea.

Positive Attitude

A leader who possesses a positive attitude will influence his/her followers to carry that same attitude. An example of a positive leader could be a parent or teacher. Mothers, fathers, or elementary teachers appear and are viewed as role models torepparttar 106984 young children they are teaching and nurturing. These role models arerepparttar 106985 first leaders they encounter in life. Children become very dependent of leaders because they are their vehicles torepparttar 106986 outside world and provide much needed help and assistance. If a parent is nurturing and loving to their child, they will thrive under this encouragement. If a school teacher provides a positive learning experience torepparttar 106987 child, they will succeed and that success will become contagious. In any circumstance, a leader’s positive attitude will have greater impact and influence on their followers.


Avoid Mistakes and Gaffes in Your Resume

Written by Michelle Roebuck

Having mistakes and gaffes in your job resume spell disaster for your job search. The last thing an employer needs is to look at a poorly written resume. The employer is looking at possibly dozens of resumes a day, and if yours is not up to par, don’t expect to hear from him/her.

Make sure you proofread your resume for spelling errors. If you’re not sure aboutrepparttar spelling of a particular word, make surerepparttar 106981 spell check function is on while you are writing your resume.

One ofrepparttar 106982 first things that an employer will look for are your qualifications forrepparttar 106983 job. Don’t wasterepparttar 106984 employer’s time by not listing your qualifications where he/she can see them. Ifrepparttar 106985 employer sees that you’re qualified forrepparttar 106986 job, then they will continue to read your resume.

Don’t turn in a resume that is poorly written, hard to read because it’s printed on some dark colored resume paper, or just plain sloppy. The recruiter doesn’t care how cool you are because you used a different color paper than everyone else. They’re only interested in what’s onrepparttar 106987 paper.

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