Leaders Learn to Affirm "4 Tips"

Written by Kathy Pedeaux


"Leaders Learn to Affirm"

by Kathy Pedeaux

What an great honor to be a person of influence, a leader, but with that privilege also comes responsibility. Part of that responsibility is to "LEARN TO AFFIRM." It seems that I remember a man called Peter, and you know him as well. John 1:41-43 says, "The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, "We have foundrepparttar Messiah" (that is,repparttar 147042 Christ). And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas" (which, when translated, is Peter which means Rock) Jesus saw within him something that he was not, but was to become. It is a joy to be in a position to call outrepparttar 147043 best and to affirm that which is good in others. Yes! It propels those who God has given us influence with to go beyond what they could ever expect. It is a continious prayer of my own thatrepparttar 147044 people who God has entrusted me with to lead, would do more than I have ever done and influence more lives than I have ever influenced.

When I was a pre-teen, my mother noticed that I could swim well and she continued to compliment and affirmrepparttar 147045 gifting in me concerning swimming. When I reachedrepparttar 147046 old age of 14, she decided that she would not only brag on me, but equip me to do something with what I seemed to have a gift for. Immediately she researched on what I could do with such a gift. She found that there was a YMCA about 45 miles away from our very small so-called town, and enrolled me inrepparttar 147047 next lifeguard training school. She lied about my age because I was too young to enterrepparttar 147048 class but she was sure that I would be such a success that age would not matter. I am not encouraging being deceptive, but you getrepparttar 147049 point. Anyway, I passedrepparttar 147050 physical training andrepparttar 147051 academic testing with flying colors! I believe that my success was because someone believed in me, affirmed me with words and with actions. This is an example of many positive things that my parents have called out in me over several years, but even greater than what I was able to achieve, wasrepparttar 147052 lesson I learned in believing in others. It begins in our homes and with our families, then to others throughout our workplace and our ministries.

Healthy Happy Relationships "7 Tips"

Written by Kathy Pedeaux


by Kathy Pedeaux

"Negative People = Trouble Maintaining Healthy Relationships" I once knew a woman for several years who seemed to never be happy in any situation, was negative about people, her circumstances and lived forrepparttar next change orrepparttar 147041 next event happening in her life. Let's call her "Lulu." I was trying to build a friendship with Lulu because I enjoyed her company at different times, but her increasingly negative attitude made me want to avoid being around her. She would say, "If I wasn't single, then I would be happy," then when she got married she was negative about her husband. Lulu didn't like where she lived either, but guess what? When she moved, happiness couldn't be found. If I just.... When I .....If only......If they would just....then I'll be happy. Negative people are unhappy people and others do not want to be around someone who brings them down on a consistant basis. Many times unforgiveness and holding on torepparttar 147042 past is a real agent in people who suffer with being negative. If we hold on torepparttar 147043 past, then we remain stuck and never experiencerepparttar 147044 joy of growth and success. (Read next months article called, "Forgive, Release, Restore.") I once was honest with a close relative when I said, "I love you so much and I enjoy being with you, but could you possibly bring some good news torepparttar 147045 table today?" It shocked them into reality and really helped us to get even closer inrepparttar 147046 long run. Do we stop being patient with those who struggle? No indeed! But if someone is having relationship problems in keeping friends, with their marriages, at home withrepparttar 147047 family, or inrepparttar 147048 workplace, then maybe being honest and giving some helpful encouraging tips could help. As you are reading this article, you may realize that this negative, unhappy person is you! You may need those tips for yourself. We will list some practical tips for you or someone you know atrepparttar 147049 end ofrepparttar 147050 article. But first we must realize that not being negative is being positive. Choose to be an optimist not a pessimist. Paul gives us good word on being content: Phil. 4:4 says, "Rejoice inrepparttar 147051 Lord always and again I say rejoice!" Further instruction from Paul in I Thess. 5 says this, "Be joyful always; pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." If it is God's will, then it is possible and He is ready to give yourepparttar 147052 strength to turnrepparttar 147053 corner! You may say that sounds like great advice but you don't know my situation! Well let me tell you a little about Paul's situation. Here is an excerpt from Joel Osteen's book called, "Your Best Life Now."

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