Leaders "Click It" Into Gear!

Written by Richard Gorham

"Click It" Into Gear!

Ever wonder how two people can be inrepparttar same meeting, hearrepparttar 122806 same speaker communicaterepparttar 122807 same message - yet oncerepparttar 122808 meeting is over, each person's perception ofrepparttar 122809 event is totally different?

Whyrepparttar 122810 different perception? How can one individual thinkrepparttar 122811 meeting was terrific and leave completely inspired and motivated, yetrepparttar 122812 other person walks away believingrepparttar 122813 total opposite?

Answer: "THE CLICK" (More on this in a minute!)

Picture yourself being told that your department is about to undergo a major downsizing. (Not a pretty picture, to be sure.) You are told that an announcement regarding large numbers of layoffs is eminent.

Shortly, you may be out of a job! (gasp!)

Stunned? Sure you are, andrepparttar 122814 choices you make inrepparttar 122815 immediate future may change your life forever.

NOW - is when you need to "CLICK IT" into gear.

Visualize "THE CLICK": Take your right hand and form a backwards "C" with your thumb and fingers. Keeping your hand inrepparttar 122816 backwards "C" position - hold your hand up to your right temple. Next, quickly make a forward snap ofrepparttar 122817 wrist as you say out loud, "CLICK".

Didrepparttar 122818 light bulb just go on?

Leaders who understandrepparttar 122819 power of "The Click" - DO NOT become victims of circumstance. Rather, they identifyrepparttar 122820 challenges andrepparttar 122821 opportunities which are presented to them atrepparttar 122822 moment - whateverrepparttar 122823 adversity.

We each haverepparttar 122824 ability to choose our outcome. We may not likerepparttar 122825 choices in front of us atrepparttar 122826 time - but at least we haverepparttar 122827 ability to choose our path.

One thing is for certain - doing nothing, ensures failure.

Consider these examples: #1 Losing your job?

Initial Reactions: "Poor me. That's not fair! Those dirty rotten ba...uh.. scoundrels! Why me? My life is over!".. etc, etc.


CLICK! "Okay, this is interesting. I guess now I haverepparttar 122828 opportunity to do something totally different. I could allow myself to be scared, but I choose to be excited instead. Obviously, something greater is awaiting me just aroundrepparttar 122829 corner. I can't wait to get started!"

A New Way of Looking At Challenges

Written by Judi Singleton

When we are born we are all authentic, spontenous and creative.Somewhere alongrepparttar lines we lose it. We began to solve problems in ways that people before us solved them. Our education tends in this direction. Typically, we think onrepparttar 122805 basis of similar problems encountered inrepparttar 122806 past. When we are confronted with a challenge we tend to think how did I solve this last time? Then we go in a fixed line to solve it without considering new ways we may solve this problem. Once we think we know how to solve a challenge we tend to stick to trying to solve each challenge in this way until proven wrong. Now creative people don't go about solving challenges this way they look for allrepparttar 122807 ways one might solve a challenge not throwing out any of them until they know they don't work.

Try this pretend you are a five year old looking at this challenge how would you see it? What If you were from another country how would you see this challenge? What if you were from another planet how would you see this challenge? Go out for a walk go into stores that you would never visit try and have an open mind and start trying to associate look for new ways of looking at things sometimes we find answers in unfamilar territory

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