Lawn Care TipsWritten by Hans Dekker
What type of lawn care tips work best for you depends on time and money you decide to put into your lawn. If your lawn is your hobby, you can spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of time on it. On other side of fence, if what you want is a low-maintenance green expanse that you can enjoy with family and friends, you’ve come to right page!The best lawn care tip you can get is to start with a solid plan. 1.Do you need to plant grass? Do some research on best seed for your area, where to buy it cheap, and when it’s available. Depending on where you live, you’ll plant either cool season or warm season grass. Cool season grass, planted in northern areas, is usually best planted in early fall, but if you missed planting then, plant it in spring when soil temperatures reach 50 F. Warm season grass needs soil temps of 70F to thrive and is choice for southern plantings. Don’t make mistake of thinking you can plant warm season grass in upper Midwest. Warm season grasses are bred to thrive in southern climates and are not winter hardy in north. 2.Of course, you’ll keep new grass plantings moist, but once grass reaches a height of three inches, water it deeply once a week. A healthy lawn needs about an inch of water a week. When watering, remember to consider recent rainfalls. Shallow watering techniques keep grass from sinking deep roots that your lawn needs to compete with deep-rooted weeds.
| | Planting And Care Of ShrubsWritten by Paul Curran
In general, trees and shrubs are planted and cared for in same way, difference between them being chiefly one of height. One definition of difference, however, is that while a tree has only one trunk, a shrub has several stems or trunks. Not so long ago number of reliable shrubs was quite limited, but today many new hybrids have lengthened list and gardener's choice is almost endless. No matter region, it is now possible to plant shrubs that will satisfy color needs, bloom at various seasons, cover bare spots where grass won't grow, or grow in such profusion and depth that screening purposes are served. Shrubs are valuable to gardener because they bridge gap between trees and flowers. As do trees, they serve as boundary markers, soften lines of buildings, act as a decorative background for flower beds and hide unsightly views. Like flowers, they add character and shape to garden, blooming forth with colorful blossoms and attracting birds with their berries. One big item in their favor is that they mature rapidly, yet remain as hardy and long-lived as trees. Planting of shrubs is tittle different from planting of trees. Early spring is most favorable time since it gives plant a long spell of good growing weather to get reestablished. In milder sections of country, however, transplanting may be done through winter months. In New England, evergreens may be planted in September and May, and deciduous shrubs in October and May.