Lawn Care

Written by Linda Paquette

If you didn’t have a healthy lawn last summer, your lawn care practices might be atrepparttar root ofrepparttar 137815 problem. Actually, a healthy lawn needs very little care and quite often learning what lawn care tips not to try isrepparttar 137816 best advice you can get.

Don’t over water. A healthy lawn needs about an inch of water a week and it’s best if it gets it all at once. You can check this easily by digging a plastic cup into your lawn. Watering deep allowsrepparttar 137817 water to sink and gives your grass incentive to grow roots and findrepparttar 137818 water. Saturating your lawn will drownrepparttar 137819 roots and watering too shallow will keep them satisfied with their present depth. Shallow rooted grass is no competition for deep-rooted weeds.

Don’t over fertilize. In fact, if you rarely fertilize, both your turf and your topsoil would be better off. Aside fromrepparttar 137820 fact that chemical fertilizers aren’t safe for your family andrepparttar 137821 critters that live in your lawn (which are mostly beneficial), chemical fertilizers aren’t safe for your soil. Although they are called “lawn food”, what they really are is “turf candy”. Grass, like any other plant gets its true nourishment fromrepparttar 137822 soil. Don’t feedrepparttar 137823 plant… learn how to feedrepparttar 137824 soil through sound organic lawn care methods.

Healthy lawn care starts with healthy topsoil.

Planting Blue Flowers In Your Garden

Written by Lee Dobbins

Blue garden flowers can add a splash of unique color to your yard. You can buy blue and blue purple perennials and annuals to enhance your garden design. Plant them in a section for all blue flowers or mix them in with your other colors for a more varied look.

When planting flowers, be sure to followrepparttar instructions for planting locations and maintenance. Buying plants that thrive inrepparttar 137799 conditions in which you intend to grow them will give you a much fuller and easier to care for garden. A plant that needs full sun will not grow to your expectations if it is planted inrepparttar 137800 shade.

Make sure you water and fertilize you’re your blue garden flowers according torepparttar 137801 instructions and you will be rewarded with big luscious blooms. Pinching offrepparttar 137802 dead flowers will helprepparttar 137803 plant to grow fuller and produce more flowers.

Other things to consider when planting blue garden flowers include:

• Bloom Time – what timeframerepparttar 137804 plant will flower in – planting flowers inrepparttar 137805 same areas that have different blooming times will insure a succession of blooms throughoutrepparttar 137806 growing season.

• Size – make sure you plantrepparttar 137807 taller plants inrepparttar 137808 back so they don’t obscurerepparttar 137809 view ofrepparttar 137810 shorter growing flowers.

Below is a list of some blue and purple colored flowers for your garden:

Verbena - Babylon Blue - Purply blue flower petals on this early bloomer that is great for window boxes and planters.

Catmint - Walkers - This blue flowering perennial shows deep lavender blue flowers on long spikes. It graces us by blooming from June to September and grows to about 10" tall. It does best in a fully sunny spot but can withstand some afternoon shade. Attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and bees.

Corydalis, Blue Panda - This plant produces fragrant stringy sky blue flowers. It blooms in late spring, and sometimes again in fall. Can grow to 12” and likes partial shade with a rich soil.

Caspian, Blue Indigo - Blue pea shaped flowers bloom on stalks that grow up to 5 feet tall. The flowers that bloom in mid to late summer can last for several weeks. Plant in full sun or partial shade and sandy soil.

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