Law v. Grace

Written by Terry Dashner

Various Views on Law and Gospel…

Terry Dashner……………..Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013

How does a believer reconcilerepparttar ostensible antithesis of Grace andrepparttar 150646 Law of Moses? The Church has struggled with this marriage (or divorce, depending on what camp you’re in) sincerepparttar 150647 Church was birthed onrepparttar 150648 Day of Pentecost in Acts chapter two. What doesrepparttar 150649 Bible say? I will share with you some ofrepparttar 150650 relevant scriptures and let you sort outrepparttar 150651 continuity or discontinuity betweenrepparttar 150652 two—law and grace.

Wayne G. Strickland, professor of theology and co-chair ofrepparttar 150653 Bible and theology department, Multnomah School ofrepparttar 150654 Bible and ardent dispensationalist states, “The resolution ofrepparttar 150655 Law/Gospel debate is no simple exercise, but neither is it a trivial issue. Amongrepparttar 150656 theological issues raised by Paul, this one has perpetually been regarded as one of great significance.” I certainly agree. And why?

Strickland continues, “There are compelling reasons to understand a basic discontinuity between Old and New Testaments. The justification stems fromrepparttar 150657 entrance intorepparttar 150658 new covenant and various New Testament passages whererepparttar 150659 discontinuity is clearly presented.” He then sites a number of scriptures, underscoringrepparttar 150660 discontinuity. For example, Hebrews 7:12, says he, “states plainly that a drastic change has occurred because a different priesthood has been placed into operation.”

He continues, “The clearest evidence forrepparttar 150661 discontinuity position derives from many passages inrepparttar 150662 New Testament that suggestrepparttar 150663 cessation ofrepparttar 150664 Mosaic law as binding forrepparttar 150665 church-age saint: Romans 3:21-31; 4:5, 13-25; 5:13; 6:14-15; 7:6; 10:4; I Corinthians 9:19-23; 2 Corinthians 3:3, 6-18; Galatians 2:19; 3:1-5, 10-29;…”

Nevertheless just when you thinkrepparttar 150666 Bible frees you fromrepparttar 150667 Law of Moses based upon proof texts like these mentioned above, you read other scriptures that swing torepparttar 150668 other end. These scriptures are Matthew 5:17-19; Mark 7:1-23; Romans 7:12, 14, 22; and I Timothy 1:8 which are marshaled in evidence ofrepparttar 150669 continuity of Law andrepparttar 150670 Gospel. What is a believer to do (or believe)?

There are five views regardingrepparttar 150671 Law andrepparttar 150672 Gospel.

Zondervan Publishing House of Grand Rapids, Michigan, has put together a book entitled, Five Views on Law and Gospel. Five scholars present their views regarding Law and Grace and then each one in turn critiquesrepparttar 150673 writer’s stated view. It’s a slow read because ofrepparttar 150674 material presented, but I have persevered and waded throughrepparttar 150675 book for you. I’d like to make just a few comments regarding Willem A. VanGemeren’s Reformed perspective and Wayne G. Stricland’s Dispensational view. These two views makerepparttar 150676 most sense to me.

First allow me to staterepparttar 150677 five views as listed inrepparttar 150678 subtitles. One view is—the Law which takes on perfection of righteousness in Jesus Christ: A Reformed perspective. The second view is—the Theonomic Reformed approach to Law and Gospel. The third is—the Law as God’s gracious guidance forrepparttar 150679 promotion of holiness. The fourth is—the inauguration ofrepparttar 150680 Law of Christ withrepparttar 150681 Gospel of Christ: A Dispensational view. And finally,repparttar 150682 Law of Christ asrepparttar 150683 fulfillment ofrepparttar 150684 Law of Moses: A modified Lutheran view. Forrepparttar 150685 sake of brevity, I will attempt to state what each view has in common and refrain fromrepparttar 150686 dissents. (The dissent goes on and on and on for pages on end).

What each view has in common.

Each ofrepparttar 150687 five views holds this in common. The Mosaic Law was notrepparttar 150688 means of salvation inrepparttar 150689 Old Testament. Salvation has always been by faith in God and not in observing an external law. For example, scholar Greg L. Bahnsen, regarding his critique of VanGemeren states, “For VanGemeren,repparttar 150690 Mosaic covenant was ‘not antithetical to’ nor a ‘substitute’ forrepparttar 150691 Abrahamic promise, but it looked ahead torepparttar 150692 unique Redeemer and Mediator ofrepparttar 150693 covenant, Jesus Christ. Even ‘the Mosaic covenant is a sovereign administration of grace.’ He insists that ‘the law was never intended to berepparttar 150694 means of salvation’ (even at Lev. 18:5). To all of this we reply with a hearty ‘amen.’”

VanGemeren’s Reformed view wraps up with these words, “Moreover, knowingrepparttar 150695 deceptions of our hearts, we must constantly check ourselves byrepparttar 150696 moral law to see whether we truly love our neighbor as ourselves. Love for neighbor isrepparttar 150697 thermometer by which we checkrepparttar 150698 extent of our love for God, obedience to his law, and our dependence onrepparttar 150699 Lord for life.

“Let me end on a personal note. I cannot keep God’s law unless I live byrepparttar 150700 grace of God, inrepparttar 150701 light ofrepparttar 150702 gospel of Jesus Christ, and byrepparttar 150703 power of his Spirit. I need his grace every day to help me inrepparttar 150704 discipline of my heart and in imagingrepparttar 150705 perfections ofrepparttar 150706 Lord Jesus. It is my prayer that by God’s grace I may enhance order where there is harmony and promote order where there is discord. Come, Lord Jesus, come!”

Therefore, salvation in God has always been—even for Abraham who came beforerepparttar 150707 Mosaic Law—by faith in God. Faith isrepparttar 150708 connection, and God isrepparttar 150709 object of our faith. The Mosaic Law had its “special place” in educatingrepparttar 150710 Nation Israel regardingrepparttar 150711 coming of Messiah. The Law was to ready them forrepparttar 150712 atoning work of Jesus Christ. The “blood of bulls and goats,” as stated inrepparttar 150713 book of Hebrews, was only a temporary covering (Atonement) which was repeated every year. Faith in Christ is permanent and everlasting as Atonement forrepparttar 150714 sinner. Thank God!

Final remarks from each author

Notingrepparttar 150715 Reformed view, VanGemeren concludes his essay by saying, “Ethical integrity is a wholeness of life. As we keeprepparttar 150716 moral law, pursuerepparttar 150717 perfection of righteousness in union with Jesus Christ, and walk byrepparttar 150718 power ofrepparttar 150719 Spirit, we develop wholeness, a wholeness that involvesrepparttar 150720 integration of our heart, speech, acts, and manners withrepparttar 150721 mind of Christ.” The Reformed view seems to favor a balance betweenrepparttar 150722 moral law andrepparttar 150723 Gospel. It is by grace alone that we are justified, but sanctification (growing up in Christ) requires obedience torepparttar 150724 moral law of God. This makes sense to me; however, it is not without criticism.

Moreover, notingrepparttar 150725 Theonomic Reformed View, Greg L. Bahnsen concludes his essay by stating, “Beyond this, Christians should userepparttar 150726 lawful means that are available in any particular society to work toward reconstruction ofrepparttar 150727 legal, judicial, and political framework of that society. Christian legislators, judges, magistrates, and aides ought to work for progressive amendment ofrepparttar 150728 statutes and legal proceedings ofrepparttar 150729 state, bringing them more and more into harmony withrepparttar 150730 principles of God’s law for political authorities.”

Genetically Predisposed to Find Faith

Written by Arthur Levine

Please feel free to reprint this article if credit is given torepparttar resource box. Notification that you have posted it would be appreciated. Copywrite Arthur Levine 2005 Word Count 535

Genetically Predisposed to Faith

Have you ever wondered how much faith you really have? If you are like me there have been times in your life when you question how much faith you have: times when you doubt your ability to cope with personal difficulties, and times whenrepparttar 150613 threat of terrorism or natural disasters feels overwhelming. This isrepparttar 150614 time to strip away your inhibitions and use your imagination to find more faith.

We are all genetically predisposed to have faith. It is a gift from God. The instinct to have faith is as strong as our will to survive. It is in fact part of our survival mechanism. Without faith we do not haverepparttar 150615 courage to go on. Without faith we have no hope. Without faith we cannot fulfillrepparttar 150616 promise that is within each of us to do something worthwhile with our lives. That is why God instilled in usrepparttar 150617 need to have faith.

Your imagination is a reflection of what your subconscious mind or soul is thinking. These thoughts creep into your mind when you first wake up or interject themselves into your thinking at odd times ofrepparttar 150618 day with seemingly no reason or continuity to what you were doing of thinking about. Don’t discount these thoughts out of hand. Don’t let years of rigid adherence to a particular way of thinking stop you from finding more faith. Don’t let it stop you from finding new ways to get more faith. I don’t believe that God cares about labels. I think it’s what is in your heart that counts.

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