Laser Eye Surgery: Demystifying LASIK

Written by Mike Spencer

Copyright 2005 Octocat Ltd

LASIK - A now common procedure

One ofrepparttar first things that springs to mind when considering corrective eye surgery isrepparttar 138676 term, "LASIK". An acronym for "laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis," this rather common procedure is used to correct certain vision problems through refractive surgery.

Since its debut inrepparttar 138677 1980s, there have been conflicting stories about what LASIK entails and whether or not it's truly successful.

Laser eye surgery is typically used for those who suffer from nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. Untilrepparttar 138678 advent of LASIK, eyeglasses and contacts were used to treat these issues, but only served as aids to vision rather than corrections.

Those who have undergone a successful laser eye surgery procedure should find that their need for such aids are extremely diminished or eliminated altogether.

Reshaping your eyes

Technically speaking, LASIK eye surgery reshapesrepparttar 138679 cornea from withinrepparttar 138680 eye itself using laser to accomplishrepparttar 138681 task.

If, for instance, your cornea is not shaped correctly to fitrepparttar 138682 dimensions of your eye, this procedure may be effective. By utilizing laser to extract bits of tissue fromrepparttar 138683 cornea in order to reshape it,repparttar 138684 refractive error can be corrected andrepparttar 138685 visual images will then be focused directly ontorepparttar 138686 retina, which may eliminaterepparttar 138687 need for aids such as eyeglasses and contact lenses.

After a thorough eye examination, you'll be expected to choose a doctor to performrepparttar 138688 LASIK eye surgery. Once this has been done, you'll be scheduled for a consultation withrepparttar 138689 doctor to discussrepparttar 138690 process, and you'll haverepparttar 138691 opportunity to voice whatever questions or concerns that you may have prior torepparttar 138692 procedure.

Don't wear your glasses for up to a month beforerepparttar 138693 op'

You should expect to be instructed not to wear your glasses or contact lenses for two to four weeks prior to your surgery, in order forrepparttar 138694 cornea to return to its natural shape, without interference from external visual aids.

The Truth About Counting Calories And Weight Loss

Written by Tom Venuto

Copyright 2005 Tom Venuto

Do calories matter or do you simply need to eat certain foods and that will guarantee you’ll lose weight? Should you count calories or can you just count “portions?” Is it necessary to keep a food diary? Is it unrealistic to count calories forrepparttar rest of your life or is that just part ofrepparttar 138651 price you pay for a better body?

You’re about to learnrepparttar 138652 answers to these questions and discover a simple solution for keeping track of your food intake without having to crunch numbers every day or become a fanatic about your food.

In many popular diet books, “Calories don’t count” is a frequently repeated theme. Other popular programs, such as Bill Phillip's "Body For Life," allude torepparttar 138653 importance of energy intake versus energy output, but recommend that you count “portions” rather than calories…

Phillips wrote,

"There aren't many people who can keep track of their calorie intake for an extended period of time. As an alternative, I recommend counting 'portions.' A portion of food is roughly equal torepparttar 138654 size of your clenched fist orrepparttar 138655 palm of your hand. Each portion of protein or carbohydrate typically contains between 100 and 150 calories. For example, one chicken breast is approximately one portion of protein, and one medium-sized baked potato is approximately one portion of carbohydrate."

Phillips makes a good point that trying to count every single calorie - inrepparttar 138656 literal sense - can drive you crazy and is probably not realistic as a lifestyle forrepparttar 138657 long term. It's one thing to count portions instead of calories – that is at least acknowledgingrepparttar 138658 importance of portion control. However, it's another altogether to deny that calories matter.

Yes, calories do count! Any diet program that tells you, "calories don't count" or you can "eat all you want and still lose weight" is a diet you should avoid. The truth is, that line is a bunch of baloney designed to make a diet sound easier to follow. Anything that sounds like work – such as counting calories, eating less or exercising, tends to scare away potential customers! Butrepparttar 138659 law of calorie balance is an unbreakable law of physics: Energy in versus energy out dictates whether you will gain, lose or maintain your weight. Period.

I believe that it's very important to develop an understanding of and a respect for portion control andrepparttar 138660 law of calorie balance I also believe it's an important part of nutrition education to learn how many calories are inrepparttar 138661 foods you eat on a regular basis – including (and perhaps, especially) how many calories are inrepparttar 138662 foods you eat when you dine at restaurants.

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