Laptop computers and the PVP effect!

Written by Tom Fox

Roll over lumbering desktop computers,repparttar limber laptop is here, and it's here to stay! For a while now notebooks have outstripped their ageing desktop PC siblings, easily winningrepparttar 107598 gold medal inrepparttar 107599 computer sales olympics. We will illustrate howrepparttar 107600 PVP effect has contributed greatly torepparttar 107601 increase in popularity of notebook computers.

(P) Portability: Firstly it may be statingrepparttar 107602 obvious, but people buy laptops because they can take them anywhere. Office workers need no more be confined to their claustrophophic cubicles. Instead those statistic charts and data reports can be compiled on a train, inrepparttar 107603 comfort of an arm chair, or even onrepparttar 107604 beach! Portability equals flexibility, but alas this hasn't always beenrepparttar 107605 case. Todays ultra portable laptop computers have a come along way sincerepparttar 107606 bulky, sewing machine sized machines ofrepparttar 107607 late seventies and early eighties. Indeed one ofrepparttar 107608 first portable computers was built by IBM, and this machine (IBM 5100) weighed in at a hefty 50lbs! Today's corridor warriors would have trouble lugging that puppy from meeting to meeting, unless of course they subjected themselves to an intensive dose of steroids :)

Detangling the Web--Beware Spyware

Written by Matt McGovern

Did you know that most major Web sites--some of them popular and respected Web sites--download unwanted spyware on your computer when you visit?

At its most benign level, spyware is used by Web sites to track your browsing and purchasing habits. Taken a step further, spyware might even capture personally identifiable data and credit card information.


A misconception for many is that anti-virus software protects from these unwanted intrusions. But that's notrepparttar case. Just as a "virus" inrepparttar 107597 real world is different from a "bacteria" or "parasite,"repparttar 107598 same can be said of a virus inrepparttar 107599 cyber- world. It's NOTrepparttar 107600 same as spyware.

Anti-virus software protects against KNOWN computer virus attacks. A virus is best described as malicious programming code intended to replicate itself and in so doing render a user's computer system or network inoperable.

Spyware is something different. It's meant to stealthily co-exist with your computer's system and program files, tracking and reporting information through your Internet Explorer browser--usually without your knowledge. Like a parasite, spyware infectsrepparttar 107601 host with hooks into your computer's registry and system files--hooks that you most likely don't know about.


At it's most insidious, spyware parasites can actually hijack or take over your Web browser--making it non-responsive to your commands, and forcing you to sites against your will.

Recovering from a spyware infection can sometimes be a daunting and frustrating task. But luckily there are resources available to help guard against getting infected by this silent menace.

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