Landlord Tips And Hints

Written by Mark Walters

Every real estate investor dealing in rental homes has done his own clean-up and fix-up, at least inrepparttar early years. Landlords also become very skilled at managing tenants after being burned a few times.

You learnrepparttar 103149 tricks ofrepparttar 103150 trade and how to getrepparttar 103151 best results forrepparttar 103152 least cost. Maybe a few of these tips will be new to you.

You can give kitchen cabinets new life with a liberal application of Liquid Gold.

Everyone has at least one chip or scratch inrepparttar 103153 porcelain on their refrigerator, bathtub, stove (except high heat surfaces), sink, washer or dryer. The solution? Touch up that nick with a tough porcelain glaze called "Porcelain Chip Repair". Just dab it on withrepparttar 103154 built in brush and it hardens in 24 hours. If your hardware store does not carry it you can find it with a Google search.

You can quickly clean black scuff marks from vinyl floor covering with a squirt of WD 40 lubricant and a rub with a clean cloth.

Put a shiny new strainer inrepparttar 103155 sink drain. Then install new handles and drawer pulls and you often have a minor kitchen miracle.

Get rid of globs of sticky adhesive residue with "Goo Gone"… from Home Depot.

When tenants move out they seldom do a really good cleaning job onrepparttar 103156 oven... orrepparttar 103157 dishwasher.

I'm sure you have discovered one ofrepparttar 103158 many effective oven cleaners, but how about that gunk caked ontorepparttar 103159 inside ofrepparttar 103160 dishwasher?

Try a product called "Dishwasher Magic"... found in many markets and some hardware stores.

The label reads "Removes Lime Scale, Rust & Buildup. Disinfectant".

You just removerepparttar 103161 cap... placerepparttar 103162 blue, plastic bottle upside down insiderepparttar 103163 silverware basket and turnrepparttar 103164 machine on. You might have to use two bottles if your first look intorepparttar 103165 washer causes you to run screaming fromrepparttar 103166 house.

Ten Ways To Profit In An Uncertain Economy

Written by Catherine Franz

1. Sell more back end products to your existing customer base. You already created rapport, trust and proved your credibility to them.

2. Make it a practice to up sell to new and existing customers. After they decide to buy one product, offer them another product.

3. Cross promote your products and services with other businesses that aren't competition. You will reach a wider audience at less cost.

4. Create joint venture deals with other businesses. You can expand your product line and target other profitable markets at a lower cost.

5. Start an affiliate program for your business. You will be able to spend less profits on risk advertising and spend more money on guaranteed sales.

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