Landice Treadmill Review

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

If you're looking to buy a high end home treadmill (or a commercial grade treadmill) chances are you've heardrepparttar name 'Landice' thrown about quite a bit.

That may leave you wondering 'Should I invest in a Landice treadmill?' Here's a quick review of Landice treadmills to help you decide.

Landice has been in business for over 35 years. What sets them apart is that they specialize in making only treadmills. (not treadmills and ellipticals and exercise bikes and home gyms...)

They've placed over 50,000 treadmills inrepparttar 144841 health club or gym environment. Because of this, Landice treadmills are generally viewed as commercial treadmills.

However Landice makes both commercial and high end home treadmills.

Their LTD series is built for home use whereas their Club series is constructed for very heavy use in club/gym environments.

(This is an important distinction since Landice offers bothrepparttar 144842 Landice L7 LTD Pro Sports Trainer AND an L7 CLUB Pro Sports Trainer with several differences.)

While not everybody can afford a Landice treadmill for their home (prices start around $3000), this is one treadmill where you definitely get what you pay for.

Landice Treadmills offer:

>> Large walking/running areas withrepparttar 144843 motor power (3 HP) to back it up. (If you have too much belt and not enough motor power, you can quickly burn out your motor.)

Ultimate Weight Loss: Fight Fat and Win

Written by Michel Landry

Copyright 2005 Michel Landry

As if you needed another reason to hitrepparttar snooze button, recent study concluded that your odds of being overweight are 24% lower for each additional hour you sleep. That's great and all, but what are those of us who work 50 hours a week on top of training and watching reruns on TV supposed to do with such findings?

Now there are different ways you can lose weight while you sleep. Some of us are spendingrepparttar 144688 big bucks and taking products like 5-hydroxytryptophan, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Gymnema Sylvestre, Glucomannan, Guggulsterone, fish oil and Gamma-Aminobutryic.

Guggu what? Yeah these products all help. But this can be complicated trying to work in all these pills. And some of us cant afford $400 a month in products.

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