LadyCamelot's Hypothesis of Psychologically-Applied "Tunnel Vision Thinking"

Written by LadyCamelot

LadyCamelot's Hypothesis of Psychologically-Applied "Tunnel Vision" By LadyCamelot

Generally, tunnel vision is a physical dysfunction ofrepparttar eye. If one can imagine viewingrepparttar 126227 world around him or herself through a narrow tube, that is tunnel vision. Now,repparttar 126228 positive outcome of any physical discrepancy is that other senses tend to "kick in" and make up forrepparttar 126229 disability. For example, if a person is deaf, eyesight becomes keener. If a person cannot see, hearing is more concentrated. Thus, with tunnel vision, a person can either accentuaterepparttar 126230 positive orrepparttar 126231 negative --repparttar 126232 choice, however, is up torepparttar 126233 individual entirely. An equivelent thought would be to either seerepparttar 126234 glass half full or half empty.

Hypothetically speaking, one could apply "tunnel-vision thinking" in both positive and negative ways. Tunnel-vision thinking is when persons act or think in either one of two ways. Primarily,repparttar 126235 positive ideal of tunnel-vision thinking would be for an individual to narrow his goals to a single, harmonic pattern and leaverepparttar 126236 shady and non-essential areas torepparttar 126237 wayside. The negative form of tunnel-vision thinking is when a person becomes obcessively drawn to self-destructive and delusional behavioral patterns.

Positive tunnel-vision thinking can encourage excelling in one's career, family life, social life and an overall healthier and happier physical, mental and emotional constitution. Usingrepparttar 126238 mental thought process of visualization, a person may view his or her life as a long passage. Asrepparttar 126239 individual views this pathway, there are shady areas torepparttar 126240 left and right of himself -- but when he gazes further, there's a brilliant, beckoning light atrepparttar 126241 far end. This light mimicsrepparttar 126242 priorities, goals and ideals of our lives. When we concentrate onrepparttar 126243 positive energy ofrepparttar 126244 tunnel-vision light, we find enlightenment, encouragement and ultimately -- we discover our inner-psyche that demonstratesrepparttar 126245 force of human and spiritual willpower.

If we utilizerepparttar 126246 power of positive tunnel-vision thinking, we can set goals, find resolve and create a harmonic environment. Positive tunnel-vision thinking reinforces creative thought processes and extinguishes destructive behavior. In other words, practicing tunnel-vision visualization withrepparttar 126247 combined psychological conditioning of life being viewed through a metaphorical "tunnel," we allow ourselves to remain focused in a positive light.

Onrepparttar 126248 other hand, negative tunnel-vision thinking is when persons are so blind-sided, that s/he can't seerepparttar 126249 wood forrepparttar 126250 trees. Otherwise, negative tunnel-vision thinking is when an individual becomes consumed by his or her own necessity, self-preservation and selfishness. This form of tunnel-vision thinking forces persons to disconnect from reality; making life more intolerable and destructive due to negative behavioral patterns. Negative tunnel-vision thinking also impairs a person's ability to reason; therefore individuals who suffer from negative tunnel-vision become detached from social responsibility and relationships, in general.

The Essential Conflict in Humans

Written by Clive Taylor

The two parts of our beings:

One part of our beings is our DNA-based species’ nature, which includesrepparttar elements of our brain activity and awareness that evolved to contribute to our survival inrepparttar 126226 world and especially,repparttar 126227 survival of our unique individual DNA, generation to generation.

The other part is an “accidental” outcome of DNA’s survival activities inrepparttar 126228 world – Consciousness.

The nature of consciousness:

Consciousness came about as an “emergent” property fromrepparttar 126229 individual organism’s need to be able to make survival “decisions” moment-to-moment, rather than generation-to-generation as it was in simpler times, biologically speaking.

Asrepparttar 126230 complexity ofrepparttar 126231 organ that evolved to make those decisions, increased, a threshold was reached whererepparttar 126232 new property of consciousness appeared.

There are many dynamics in nature that show this “accidental” new emergent property appearing out of simpler activities. The universe itself is probably such an emergent property.

The essential conflict:

The conflict comes fromrepparttar 126233 fact thatrepparttar 126234 needs of DNA are different torepparttar 126235 needs of self-aware consciousness.

DNA has no regard forrepparttar 126236 feelings or survival ofrepparttar 126237 organism other than those that furtherrepparttar 126238 DNA’s propagation, whereas our conscious selves want freedom from pain and suffering and want choice overrepparttar 126239 experience of our lives.

At times, this choice goes directly againstrepparttar 126240 needs of DNA – such as when we choose not to have children (the vehicles of DNA propagation).

A lot ofrepparttar 126241 strange behaviour of individuals (of any species) can be shown to be an outcome ofrepparttar 126242 in-built, long-term survival need ofrepparttar 126243 relevant DNA. (There is a micro-organism - Toxoplasma - that has a DNA-propagation cycle that needs cats and mice: The organism can only breed in cats, so it has evolved a situation where it gets into cat faeces and then infectsrepparttar 126244 mice when they come in contact with it. The micro-organism then gets intorepparttar 126245 mouse brain and causesrepparttar 126246 mouse to seek out cats and lose coordination. This allows a cat to catch and eatrepparttar 126247 mouse, furtheringrepparttar 126248 breeding cycle.)

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