Written by Darren Andrews

Okay, I'm an ideas guy. I'll admit it. My aim in this little article is to reveal to you some ideas that you've likely never heard before. Whether you are a program manager or an affiliate, or both, there should something of value below!

Idea #1 - Affiliate Link Rotation

IF you own an affiliate program then why not increaserepparttar incentive of your affiliates by placing *their* link on your site? I mean that your home page *is* hardcoded to their affiliate link!

All you'd need to do is set up a redirect on your index page with their affiliate link in it.

Why do this? Well, it will get you a whole bucket full more affiliates for one thing! Can you imagine how they will feel? "Wow, this merchant's going to credit me with all sales / sub-affiliates that come to his home page!"

There are two methods you could employ to rotate this, depending upon your traffic.

(a) If you get only a few sales you might offer your new affiliatesrepparttar 102528 opportunity to have their link remain active until they get a sale - a guarantee from you!

(b) If you have a high volume of sales then you may wish to allow only a certain time period (or, more fairly, a certain number of hits) for each affiliate link.

Of course, how easily you can do this will depend upon your affiliate software.

Idea #2 - Getting SubAffiliates

If you are an affiliate and want more sub-affiliates then you *must* offer an incentive to your subscribers / site visitors to join up under you.

Here's an example of how I did this. I set up a page on one of my sites ( )

Is There Really Any Way to Make Big Money With Affiliate Programs?

Written by Lisa M. Cope

You here allrepparttar hub bub about affiliate programs. If you have been online a while you have undoubtedly seen a flashing banner, blinking button or an ever so dreaded "but I think misunderstood and over used" pop up window inviting you to make big money by joining a particular affiliate program. Promising you will make lots of dough doing nothing but putting a line of code on your site and running a few ads. Hmmmmm...I wonder?

Well I'm hear to tell you that it isn't that easy! But I'm also going to tell you that you can make a considerable amount of money if you WORK AT IT! Don't getrepparttar 102527 wrong idea. I am by no way trying to tell you that affiliate programs aren't worth your time or effort. I make very nice commissions from several well chosen programs. If my tone sounds a bit harsh it's only because I want it to be clear that affiliate programs are just like any other business and must be approached inrepparttar 102528 same way.

Think of it this way, if you went to work in an appliance store or started to sell Avon and your income depended on your percentage ofrepparttar 102529 sales you made wouldn't you expect to have to put some effort into making those sales? Well it isrepparttar 102530 same when you sign up for an affiliate program. Your income depends on you gettingrepparttar 102531 sale.

The nice thing is it's notrepparttar 102532 hard sale. You don't have to be in your customers face or pounding on their doors. You get to dorepparttar 102533 soft sale,repparttar 102534 friendly recommendation,repparttar 102535 informative helpful advisor. Your a gentle persuader. It'srepparttar 102536 nicer side of sales.

When you masterrepparttar 102537 art of beingrepparttar 102538 gentle persuader you will be making money with affiliate programs.

There are so many ways to market your affiliate programs, especially online and new techniques are around every corner. The biggest decision you will have to make is which programs are for you and what isrepparttar 102539 best way for you to promote them.

Choosingrepparttar 102540 right affiliate programs takes time and research. You don't want to just jump in and promote any old program that comes along you want to find ones that will make your job easy and fun. Look for businesses that have been around for a while that have a solid background and good rankings.

Ask yourself....What do I enjoy?

I know you may have heard this before but look for programs that are in an area of your interest, hobbies or something that your familiar with. Like if you enjoy camping, fishing or justrepparttar 102541 great outdoors. Go to your favorite search engine and do a quick search for: camping + "affiliate program" and a list of companies that sell camping equipment or related items pops up. Waa la!

Now just read through their website and look overrepparttar 102542 commission structure. Don't overlookrepparttar 102543 terms and conditions ofrepparttar 102544 affiliate agreement. Make a list ofrepparttar 102545 programs that you would consider joining and then narrow it down to no more than five programs to start. Resistrepparttar 102546 urge to join them all. I know it's tough but you can do it!

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