Knowledge Is NOT Power

Written by Catherine Franz

For generations, society’s mantra to us was, "Knowledge is power." And that knowledge equaled power. As long as this continued to be subjective, unproven, society kept singingrepparttar mantra.


The Internet comes along, knowledge increases 10,000 percent over night, and society chasesrepparttar 130092 knowledge in greater numbers. More people are getting PhD’s and double master degrees than ever before. Stress-related diseases increased 100% last year alone.

What's wrong with this picture?

The subjective is now objective. You don't need any stats for this. Use your instincts. You "know" this already just with your own life. It's time for this cultural trance to awaken from a belief that has now proved itself incorrect.

So, then, what really needs to change?

Well, it didn't ever really change. The ladder was leaning againstrepparttar 130093 wrong wall, that’s all. We can't point fingers; we are just now seeingrepparttar 130094 mantra. The motivational trainers like Tony Robbins sing this daily. What’s different is that we no longer can denyrepparttar 130095 truth of it. My grandma told me long ago, "The proofs inrepparttar 130096 pudding."

Do you relate to this? Even in a small way? Great! The good news -- it only takes 30 seconds to shift your perspective. That’s several 30-second times throughoutrepparttar 130097 day until its totally gone. It will not take long though. The real key that I'm getting into now will overriderepparttar 130098 ole mantra much faster.

The real key to success is action. Think about it. We already have tons of information swirling in our heads that we haven't used. So, when were you going to use it? Someday maybe. When you are sitting inrepparttar 130099 rocking chair in retirement community? Now, don't get me wrong, it isn't too late to start it then either. But gosh darn it, who would want to wait until them. Not I. And I don't think you either. There’s more energy availablerepparttar 130100 younger you are.

Stop chasing more knowledge. Start taking action with what’s already available. When you use up what’s available, then reach out.

"Action leads to success." Adopt this new mantra. Setrepparttar 130101 books aside. Pick up your brain instead. Start with a short and quick action plan with a clearly defined goal. Not a "long drawn out take a month to do" plan. Keep it simple. Keep it short. Don't overwhelm your mind with anything else. Then you are returning torepparttar 130102 ole mantra. Don't wait untilrepparttar 130103 kid’s soccer game this weekend.

Stop what you're doing. It will only take three minutes. Go ahead; grabrepparttar 130104 post it notes. Aren't they beneathrepparttar 130105 paper stack to your left? I play post-it note roulette on my office wall allrepparttar 130106 time. It’s quick, easy, fast, and I can spend more time taking action. In my case, writing more.

Tony Robbins says, "The only thing that makes a difference is ACTION! Action isrepparttar 130107 foundational key to all success."

Relationship Advice That Matters Part II

Written by Yvette Dubel

(c) 2004

My consulting expanded to include thought leadership after it crystallized for me thatrepparttar individual is vital torepparttar 130090 progress ofrepparttar 130091 whole and a key component to attaining success. An organization led by someone oblivious to how critical thought leadership is to success could be in for an extraordinarily bumpy road.

I have known or worked with so many people who’ve been in therapy for six or seven years with minimal progress because they were not being honest withrepparttar 130092 therapist about what they really wanted.

What I observed, in a general sense, were people going to therapist for validation of their victimization. But what does it mean when it takes seven years to meet that need? Think of allrepparttar 130093 other productive uses of that time that have been missed.

At some point preparation is supposed to end andrepparttar 130094 business ofrepparttar 130095 journey undertaken.

I understand that awful things happen sometimes, but it simply does not serve us to define ourselves byrepparttar 130096 worst events in our lives. Validation is only a step inrepparttar 130097 process, it is notrepparttar 130098 destination---repparttar 130099 mission is to live from your core. Perhaps, it goes without saying, but I will forrepparttar 130100 sake of clarification…I believe that this translates intorepparttar 130101 highest and best use of our innate gifts and a genuine appreciation ofrepparttar 130102 same in others. I guess some would call that unconditional love, but I feel that genuine appreciation summons fewer presumptions.

However, without a genuine sense of self it can seem impossible to practice real self-love because without it I wonder if one can know what love really is. And this is what many of you say you want out of life believing it will magically make you happy.

This misperception is what I believe to berepparttar 130103 root of what often goes wrong in relationships whenrepparttar 130104 burden of making someone happy is dumped intorepparttar 130105 lap of another individual. Each of us must take responsibility for our own experience, happy or otherwise. Inrepparttar 130106 best cases, people can enhance your life, but not complete it. (And I tell you this as someone who has been mostly happily married for fourteen years.)

I am not writing this because I have it all figured out. I facerepparttar 130107 same challenges as everyone else, but coming to terms with my “stuff” required that I embrace all of my talents and find ways of applying them that supported my growth and integrity.

Look, let me share an example with you from my own life. One of those gifts that I had to hold close in my quest to live from my core was my aptitude for relationship analysis (whether it be within organizations, personal life, products and consumers or b to b) and coaching others. It has been natural for me to do it with myself, as well as my primary function inrepparttar 130108 lives of others every since I can recall.

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