Knowing the Symptoms of diabetes and how to address them

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

Diabetes mellitus is a condition resulting fromrepparttar pancreas’ inability to produce enough insulin, which is needed byrepparttar 138945 body to help create energy. A deficiency of or ineffectiveness of insulin leads to high glucose levels inrepparttar 138946 blood, thus, leading to this illness.

Diabetes has two types. Type 1 Diabetes usually occurs in young people and requires frequent insulin injections, while Type 2 Diabetes is experienced by older people and is not as dependent on insulin. Majority of those who have Type 2 Diabetes have been found to be either obese or overweight.

Diabetes usually runs inrepparttar 138947 family, so it’s best to know early on if you have it. The common symptoms experienced by someone who has diabetes include unusually frequent urination and hunger, constant thirst, rapid weight loss, tiredness, numbness inrepparttar 138948 feet and hands, recurrent skin infections, itching in private parts and blurred vision. When left unattended, diabetes could escalate to hyperglycemia, which develops from an excess of glucose inrepparttar 138949 blood, and leaverepparttar 138950 person temporarily unconscious, or, worse, cause severe infections, poor healing abilities, heart ailments and numbness from nerve damage.

The direct origins of diabetes, besides heredity, remain uncertain. However, several scientists believe that diabetes can also spring from an infection inrepparttar 138951 pancreas, a disorder inrepparttar 138952 autoimmune system and even from an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

When you noticerepparttar 138953 signs that possibly point to diabetes, consult your doctor immediately. You will be subjected to tests to determine whether your blood sugar is stable and if there is a presence of diabetes. Your doctor will then recommend an appropriate exercise regimen and diet to temperrepparttar 138954 effects of diabetes, or, if needed, prescribe medication.

Raw protein - lean body?

Written by Pauline Robinson

Hemp protein contains all 20 known amino acids includingrepparttar 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) our bodies cannot produce. Proteins are considered complete when they contain all 9 essential amino acids in a sufficient quantity and ratio to meetrepparttar 138899 body's needs. Hemp seeds contain an adequate supply of these high quality proteins (EAAs) for a well balanced diet.

Hemp protein is free ofrepparttar 138900 tryspin inhibitors which block protein absorption and free of oligosaccharides found in soy, which cause stomach upset and gas. Not as easy to get lean now that you are no longer in your twenties, right? Or maybe you've never been very fit, but are trying to lose fat forrepparttar 138901 first time and don't haverepparttar 138902 benefits of that youthful high metabolism. No bizarre fad diets are needed, justrepparttar 138903 standard high protein/low fat plan. Each daily meal should feature a good source of lean protein but very little animal fat or sugar.

An increasingly educated and health-conscious public is learning aboutrepparttar 138904 health benefits of supplemental protein powders, recognizing that they can be part of a healthy lifestyle for just about anyone, not just bodybuilders. In health fitness, muscle growth is perhapsrepparttar 138905 most important thing that you can do. In fact, it may berepparttar 138906 most important thing you can do for your body and mind. The reason growing lean muscle is so important is because it will help with controlling your weight by helping you burn more calories. It helpsrepparttar 138907 mind by increasing confidence and self worth.

It is of utmost importance inrepparttar 138908 elderly population, because it will help with osteoporosis, by building stronger, bigger bones and also allows one to be physically stronger and fatigue less easily. So by growing more muscle daily tasks are much easier, not to mention much safer, helping prevent falls and injuries.

Protein is an essential part of our (living) body and there is a difference between protein that has been cooked and protein in its raw (living) form. We should realize that our body (which is made of some 100 trillion living cells) is composed of 15 percent protein, making proteinrepparttar 138909 primary solid element in our body, and second only to water, which composes 70 percent of our body. Protein is composed of amino acids, and amino acids are made up of chains of atoms. These atoms that make up amino acids that make up protein literally becomerepparttar 138910 building blocks for our body.

The problem is that cooking kills food and de-natures or re-arrangesrepparttar 138911 molecular structure ofrepparttar 138912 protein, causing amino acids to become coagulated, or fused together.

In his 1980 book, The Health Revolution, Horne writes, "Cooked protein is difficult to digest, and when incompletely digested protein entersrepparttar 138913 colon it putrefies and ammonia is formed." Horne quotes Dr. Willard Visek, Professor of Clinical Sciences atrepparttar 138914 University of Illinois Medical School as saying, "Inrepparttar 138915 digestion of proteins, we are constantly exposed to large amounts of ammonia in our intestinal tract. Ammonia behaves like chemicals that cause cancer or promote its growth. It kills cells, it increases virus infection, it affectsrepparttar 138916 rate at which cells divide, and it increasesrepparttar 138917 mass ofrepparttar 138918 lining ofrepparttar 138919 intestines. What is intriguing is that withinrepparttar 138920 colon,repparttar 138921 incidence of cancer parallelsrepparttar 138922 concentration of ammonia." Dr. Visek is quoted in The Golden Seven Plus One, by Dr. C. Samuel West, as saying, "Ammonia, which is produced in great amounts as a by-product of meat metabolism, is highly carcinogenic and can cause cancer development."

And meat in any form is not good for humans. We do not have a digestive system designed to assimilate protein from flesh: We do not haverepparttar 138923 teeth of a carnivore norrepparttar 138924 saliva. Our alkaline saliva is designed to digest complex carbohydrates from plant food, whereas saliva of a carnivore is so acidic that it can actually dissolve bones. The digestive tracts of carnivores are short, about three timesrepparttar 138925 length of their torso, allowing quick elimination of decomposing and putrefying flesh. All herbivores have long intestines, 8 to 12 timesrepparttar 138926 length of their torso, to provide a long transit time to digest and extractrepparttar 138927 nutrients from plant foods.

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