Knowing What You Want Makes Achieving Goals Easier

Written by Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed.

Knowing What You Want Makes Achieving Goals Easier By Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed.

The desire to meet a challenge and succeed has been a part of many cultures throughout history. The ancient Peruvians used to draw out their goals in symbols and paint them in primitive colors onrepparttar walls of caves. The Egyptians used to create elaborate rituals to move from one state of desire to actualization. They believed that writing out a dream in advance would assure a positive outcome. Likewise, we moderns have an innate need to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. You need to have a vision, as it isrepparttar 123601 first step towards havingrepparttar 123602 life you want. Your purpose provides intention and direction for who and what you want to be and do. To live out your life vision and purpose, set goals, and then focus on results. If you are not gettingrepparttar 123603 results you intended, findrepparttar 123604 reason and adjust your strategy. To reach your goals, you must take a proactive, committed approach to making it happen. What follows are nine ways to maintain your focus and increase your energy and optimism while pursuing your goals.

1.Know What You Want When you are clear about what you want, you build excitement. When you are excited, more effort is put forth, and your enthusiasm helps to overcome obstacles.

2.Write Your Goals Down When you write about what you want, it becomes indelibly written not only onrepparttar 123605 paper, but also upon your consciousness.

3.Visualize What You Want “See” in your mind’s eye your goal already achieved. What does it look like, feel like? The more real your image,repparttar 123606 more powerful it will be, operating much like a magnet drawing forth more of what you want to you.

4.Affirm What You Want Speak your goals into existence. An affirmation is a present-tense, positive statement of your intended outcome. For example, “I am a successful_________.” The more sensory rich you make your affirmations,repparttar 123607 more effective they will be.


Written by Sibyl McLendon

Disempowerment By Sibyl McLendon

“Disempowerment”. What does it mean? It isrepparttar act of you taking away your own personal power! You are actuallyrepparttar 123600 only person who can. When you use certain words and think certain thoughts you “DIS”-empower yourself and make everything harder than it needs to be in your life.

Every time you think, “I can’t do this,” you are creating your own reality, and that makes you exactly right. You can’t! When you tell yourself that you don’t deserve something then you don’t. It really is as simple as that. What you tell yourself is true. It is your reality and you are making it a lot harder for yourself than it needs to be.

The truth is that people can’t take away your empowerment unless you allow them to. You arerepparttar 123601 captain of your ship even if you can’t see it and even if your ship is adrift. When you learn that you can pilot your ship in any direction that you choose, you begin to take back that empowerment and create a wonderful life for yourself. You create it through your beliefs about yourself andrepparttar 123602 words that you say to yourself. You can do anything that you believe you can. Disempowerment is when you tell yourself allrepparttar 123603 things that you CAN’T do.

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