Know your Audience Before you Write your Book or Web Site

Written by Judy Cullins

If you want happy customers to use your service or buy your product, you need to focus on their needs and desires.

Unhappy customers leave when they can't find what they want--benefits and an easy way to buy. Perhaps your site has barriers you don't realize. If anything is difficult, customers will leave and give their business to someone else. Know your audience and write headlines that Wow them.

Know your Audience Before you Write your Book or Web site Copy

Before you list those benefits--you must know your particular audience. Who will buy your book? What are their biggest fears--their worries? What problem do they have that you can solve?

Know their Assumptions about You and Your Product. What is their number one life's dream? What are their assumptions about your subject or service? What are their excuses for not acting on what they want? Do they think your product is too much money? They don't trust you yet? Do they think there is no hurry? Do they think they don't haverepparttar time to implement your skills?

Three Types of Audiences

1. The Narrow--one specific target market. No, not everyone will want your book. These folks have a common need or problem. Your product or service will solve that problem. For instance,'s product already has its audience. They are compelled to buy because you are answering their one biggest need. They will buy onrepparttar 129507 spot.

When all else has failed them, they want a cure right now because of their pain and discomfort. They don't want prevention. A good example is men--they don't want to prevent prostate problems, but once they are diagnosed with a problem, want a cure right now.

2. Short-Cut Time and Money Investment for a big payoff. The audience wants a roadmap to where he or she wants to go--fast! For instance, my ebooks and print books show professionals how to shorten their journey to book publishing and promotion.

3. Massive passionate audience. These arerepparttar 129508 readers ofrepparttar 129509 Chicken Soup servies. Think aboutrepparttar 129510 68 million sold so far, andrepparttar 129511 authors didn't even have to writerepparttar 129512 book. Full of inspirational short stores,repparttar 129513 massive audience responds. It'srepparttar 129514 sheer volume of sales likerepparttar 129515 the 70 million who show Wal-Mart every day. One client wrote a how-to book aimed atrepparttar 129516 now 70million baby boomers out there called Put Old on Hold. She's an inspiration herself--looks and feels like a 50 year old.


Written by Craig Lock

Writing articles can provide you with enormous amount of exposure onrepparttar Web. You are branding yourself on a shoestring budget - it hasn't cost you a cent, but a little time and effort Writing a free content article is simple and follows a similar professional approach as an article for a standard, paying market.

People want quality content : for their ezines and their web sites .; however,repparttar 129505 competition for content is fierce. Every Web site owner wants content and hundreds of writers want their content visible onrepparttar 129506 Web It's FREE promotion through your signature file atrepparttar 129507 end of your article* Articles that give good information or explain how to accomplish something are usually best, and will be read most often.

Here are some pointers in writing articles forrepparttar 129508 www:

1. Accept that writing forrepparttar 129509 web is different to writing forrepparttar 129510 off-line world. People tend to skim and scan (note alliteration) when reading online. They read quickly scrolling downrepparttar 129511 page.

2. Identify your target audience.

3. Give your article a catchy title that will grab attention and make people want to read.

4. Keep your title reasonably short. Put some thought and effort into your heading - again to get your reader's immediate attention.

5. Be professional and take your article writing seriously. Write about something you know professionally. Don't be overly casual in your writing (ie. don't write exactly as you speak) 6. Keep your paragraphs short.

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