Know this before you start your home business

Written by Arun Pal Singh

Copyright © 2005 Arun Pal Singh

As 2005 dawns on earth I am quite thoughtful. Many persons started their business in 2004. Some succeeded and some left disappointed.

This New Year would bring many new home entrepreneurs torepparttar net. How many of them would continue with what they started? How many would leave disappointed and disgruntled? How many of them would become a source of inspiration for others in waiting? How many would detest many others just because they failed.

I hear crackers bursting as people welcome New Year with full celebrations.

For those who have left, I feel sorry. They have left a road to wealth, richness and freedom from daily grind.

For those who are about to begin, I extend my welcome. 2005 is predicted to berepparttar 103486 best year till date for home business. Equally for those who are making millions right now or just starting.

Whatever kind of business you are in, wherever you are from, home business will make you rich.

The reason many people do not start a home business is because they think they can’t do it. The reason why people leave it is because they expect instant results.

Every body knows good fruits take time to yield. It is same with your home business.

Whether you plan to sell your own products or join affiliate programmes, patience and perseverance isrepparttar 103487 name ofrepparttar 103488 game. You must maintain your efforts. Give your business time to mature. Otherwise one falls into traps of frustration and frustrated man cannot think clearly.

Clarity of thought is must for success.

Without going into finer details these are prerequisites of home business. Each of that can be searched for and you would get enough details

Tax Trap #1: Waiting to Incorporate: What A Difference A Date Can Make

Written by Wayne M. Davies

NOTE: This isrepparttar first in a series of 5 articles: "Small Business Tax Traps and How To Avoid Them"

If you're a sole proprietor, perhaps you've considered incorporating your small business or self-employment activity.

And so maybe you've been wondering, "When isrepparttar 103485 best time to incorporate?"

From a legal standpoint, any time isrepparttar 103486 best time. The sooner you incorporate,repparttar 103487 sooner you makerepparttar 103488 move fromrepparttar 103489 world of unlimited liability torepparttar 103490 world of limited liability.

From a tax savings standpoint, any time isrepparttar 103491 best time. The sooner you incorporate,repparttar 103492 sooner you will start putting more money in your own pocket and less in Uncle Sam's.

(For more aboutrepparttar 103493 potential tax savings of a corporation, seerepparttar 103494 second article in this series -- "Tax Trap #2: Double Taxation -- Isn't Once Enough?"

But from a **tax reporting** standpoint, there is one time of year that stands out as best: January 1st.

Why is that?

Assuming you have a sole proprietorship (or other entity, such as a partnership) that is up and running as of January 1, and assuming you then incorporate that existing entity on any date other than January 1, you facerepparttar 103495 possibility of filing not one but two business income tax returns for that year.

Here's an example to clarify this important point . . .

Let's say you've been operating your sole proprietorship for a few years, and in early 2005 you decide to incorporate. In January you get around to startingrepparttar 103496 paperwork, but life gets inrepparttar 103497 way and you finally get it done in late February. Byrepparttar 103498 time your state processesrepparttar 103499 Articles of Incorporation,repparttar 103500 start date of your new corporation is March 1.

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