Know the connection about hair loss ,wigs, &

Written by David Twersky 877.593.9236 Iwig. Differences you can see The Finest Hair- Most wig manufacturers buy huge lots of hair from overseas suppliers, sight unseen. At Iwig, we don't believe in leaving it to chance. Our senior buyers go to European and Asia-personally. It's not unusual for them to sort through 500,000 kilos of human hair to find 20 precious kilos that meet our high standards of perfect, healthy hair.

Directional Weaving- To see why Iwigs closely resemblerepparttar way hair moves, you have to go back torepparttar 150087 roots. Iwig uses hair that still hasrepparttar 150088 natural cuticle (in trade terms "Remy"), then weaves every strand inrepparttar 150089 same direction-just as it would grow on your scalp. This is why our human hair wigs are guaranteed not to clump or tangle.

Advanced Lightweight Bases-(silk mesh) Unlike old-fashioned heavy, itchy, scratchy caps, an Iwig begins withrepparttar 150090 latest in fiber technology. For caps that are as light as gossamer, smooth as silk and virtually undetectable aroundrepparttar 150091 hairline, crown and part.

3-4 day Custom Fit Iwig's on-premise manufacturing makes it possible to get a custom fit on all our ready-to-wear wigs in just 3-4 business days. And we do an outstanding job. Where other so-called custom-fits-by-mail do a quick, hand-patch, our factory-grade machines create seams that feel seamless-with no lumps, bulges, or itchy stitching.

Custom 100% European Hair

A total luxury (and so worth it). Our custom European wigs representrepparttar 150092 ultimate in hair quality and craftsmanship. The art begins withrepparttar 150093 softest, smoothest, most luxurious hair inrepparttar 150094 world. Together withrepparttar 150095 most lightweight, caps least visible skin taps (TOPS) made from fine monofilament, silicone and silk fabrics.

Our expert workers then weaverepparttar 150096 hair in its natural direction-an iwig detail that creates free-flowing movement.

Affordable Drugs: Saving Money by Splitting Pills

Written by Gary Cordingley

One ofrepparttar least appreciated cost-savers in medical treatment isrepparttar 150075 simple act of splitting pills. Suppose you're a U.S. citizen with depression who needs to take Lexapro brand of escitalopram oxalate, a commonly prescribed antidepressant, at a typical starting dose of 10 milligrams (mg) per day. Let's figure out how much your treatment will cost, both by month and by day.

For purposes of illustration I'll use prices shown online at If you buy thirty Lexapro 10-mg tablets (which is howrepparttar 150076 prescription is usually written) it will cost you $70.15 per month or $2.34 per day to get treated. But what if you buy Lexapro 20-mg tablets and take a half-pill each day? Medically, this treatment isrepparttar 150077 same. But look what happens to unit prices. Thirty Lexapro 20-mg tablets cost $69.99. We need just 10 mg per day, so we splitrepparttar 150078 20-mg tablets in half to make our 10-mg doses. (The tablets are even scored to make this easy.) In this case it costs you just $35.00 per month or $1.17 per day to get treated. Your daily price just dropped by half!

Isn't that amazing? And it's not just an isolated example. If you do a similar analysis for many other drugs, you'll find that taking half of a double-strength pill costs substantially less than taking all of a regular-strength pill. Or another way of saying this is thatrepparttar 150079 cost of a month's treatment is driven more byrepparttar 150080 number of pills involved than byrepparttar 150081 total number of milligrams taken.

Is this an accident of pricing? Should we be whispering about this? Is this pulling something over onrepparttar 150082 drug companies? Hardly. If you think that multi-billion-dollar companies trading onrepparttar 150083 New York Stock Exchange make pricing mistakes, then I've got some choice swamp-land in Florida I'd love to sell you.

So why would drug companies create these pricing mismatches (read: opportunities)? To understand this, let's walk through two prescribing scenarios. First, suppose a doctor is prescribing Lexapro to a patient who is lucky enough to have drug insurance. The patient pays a predetermined co-payment for each month's worth of medication, so he or she hasrepparttar 150084 exact same out-of-pocket expense whichever wayrepparttar 150085 prescription is written. So willrepparttar 150086 doctor write for thirty 10-mg pills or fifteen 20-mg pills?

Your guess is probably right—the prescription will be written forrepparttar 150087 larger number of lower-strength pills. The retailer andrepparttar 150088 drug company will get full price. They're happy. The patient doesn't need to break tablets in half andrepparttar 150089 doctor doesn't need to take time to explain why pills have to be broken, so they're happy. What's not to like? The only loser isrepparttar 150090 insurance company. Dorepparttar 150091 doctor orrepparttar 150092 patient care? (Let's see, how many favors hasrepparttar 150093 insurance company done forrepparttar 150094 doctor and patient lately?)

Now here'srepparttar 150095 second prescribing scenario. Joe Workingman has no drug insurance and has to shell out cash to pay forrepparttar 150096 full price of medication. The doctor feels that 10 mg daily of Lexapro is needed. This time,repparttar 150097 doctor prescribes fifteen Lexapro 20-mg pills per month, instructingrepparttar 150098 patient to take a half-pill per day. Medically, there is no loss of efficacy. The patient is pleased to pay less money. The doctor is a hero for being thoughtful and clever. Becauserepparttar 150099 doctor still prescribedrepparttar 150100 same product,repparttar 150101 drug company is happy. (The drug company would rather get half their price than nothing. Besides, they've already priced this scenario into their drug.)

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