Know Your Muscles - The Mid-Section

Written by Rick Mitchell

Becoming familiar withrepparttar muscles that make up your body has more benefits than simply allowing you to talk shop with your training partners. The more familiar you are withrepparttar 112976 muscles you're working,repparttar 112977 better you'll be able to judge what's needed to make improvements. In this article we'll get to knowrepparttar 112978 muscles that make uprepparttar 112979 mid-section.

The core muscles ofrepparttar 112980 mid-section do much to stabilize and supportrepparttar 112981 torso so it's well worth spending time to train this area properly. The main muscles ofrepparttar 112982 mid-section are as follows:

1. Rectus abdominis - this is a large flat muscle wall that covers most ofrepparttar 112983 front mid-section fromrepparttar 112984 lower chest torepparttar 112985 pubic bone. Aboverepparttar 112986 navel it consists of three pairs of rectangular sections stacked on top of each other and is better known asrepparttar 112987 six pack.

Holiday Health: Give Get-Fit Gifts

Written by Louise Roach

‘Tisrepparttar season to celebrate -- and a time to eat! Most of us gain a few pounds duringrepparttar 112975 holiday season. With family dinners, holiday parties and gift baskets loaded with goodies, who thinks of staying fit?

Instead of giving a pyramid of chocolate, a basket of tempting treats or a bottle of bubbly this year, why not be different? Give your loved ones a Holiday Health Kit to start outrepparttar 112976 New Year right.

With so many inexpensive or low-cost fitness products available, it’s easy to combine several items into a customized Get-Fit Gift. Louise Roach, marketing director at SnowPack, a New Mexico-based company that manufactures ice therapy kits, has several suggestions:

“If you have someone on your Christmas list who likes to walk or run, think of items like a pedometer, a gift certificate to your local running specialty store, energy bars, a water bottle, a portable CD player, books on stretching, sunscreen, and lip balm. Plus an ice pack just in case they overdo it. Put it all together in a nifty duffel bag and you have a very thoughtful gift.

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