Know Your Muscles - The Chest And Upper Back

Written by Rick Mitchell

Becoming familiar withrepparttar muscles that make up your body has more benefits than simply allowing you to talk shop with your training partners. The more familiar you are withrepparttar 113024 muscles you're working,repparttar 113025 better you'll be able to judge what's needed to make improvements. In this article we'll get to knowrepparttar 113026 muscles that make uprepparttar 113027 chest and upper back.

Although they are two distinct areas,repparttar 113028 chest andrepparttar 113029 upper back will be considered together because achieving a muscular balance between them is crucial, particularly in relation to maintaining good posture. Creating an imbalance betweenrepparttar 113030 two is likely to result in injury.

The main muscles found inrepparttar 113031 chest and uper back are as follows:

Are Prohormones A Safe Alternative To Anabolic Steroids?

Written by Rick Mitchell

Steroid prohormones such as androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) have become popular in recent years as safer alternatives to anabolic steroids, but two questions need to be answered:

1. Are they effective in stimulating muscle growth?

2. Are they safe to use?

The theory behind prohormones is that they are building blocks for testosterone and are converted into testosterone byrepparttar body. Very little definitive scientific research exists to back uprepparttar 113023 claims of prohormone manufacturers. The difficulty seems to be thatrepparttar 113024 minimum dosage levels recommended by manufacturers appear to be insufficient to stimulate a measurable clinical reaction. Many users point torepparttar 113025 effectiveness of prohormones when doses that exceed recommended levels are taken, hencerepparttar 113026 difficulty for researchers - do you subject human participants to potentially dangerous doses?

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