Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - NO Nitric Oxide

Written by Rick Mitchell

Nitric oxide is a free form gas produced byrepparttar body in order to communicate with other cells. It is created when enzymes break downrepparttar 112978 amino acid arginine. The main benefit of nitric oxide is its role in controllingrepparttar 112979 circulation of blood and regulating activities ofrepparttar 112980 brain, lungs, liver, stomach and other organs. It also helps inrepparttar 112981 control of blood pressure, dilates blood vessels to cause penile erection and is used byrepparttar 112982 immune system to fight viral, bacterial and parasitic infections.

It isrepparttar 112983 ability of nitric oxide to increase blood flow that is of most interest to bodybuilders who can benefit as follows:

Know Your Muscles - The Shoulders And Arms

Written by Rick Mitchell

Becoming familiar withrepparttar muscles that make up your body has more benefits than simply allowing you to talk shop with your training partners. The more familiar you are withrepparttar 112977 muscles you're working,repparttar 112978 better you'll be able to judge what's needed to make improvements. In this article we'll get to knowrepparttar 112979 muscles that make uprepparttar 112980 shoulders and arms.

Shoulders and arms work together but they require significantly different exercises to make them bigger and stronger. The main muscles found in these areas are as follows:

1. Deltoid - this is comprised of three separate segments that coverrepparttar 112981 shoulder and run a few inches downrepparttar 112982 arm. The anterior deltoid raisesrepparttar 112983 arm torepparttar 112984 front. The middle deltoid raisesrepparttar 112985 arm torepparttar 112986 side. The posterior deltoid drawsrepparttar 112987 arm backwards.

2. Rotators - these are small muscles ofrepparttar 112988 rotator cuff that control small movements ofrepparttar 112989 upper arm. Consisting of an internal rotator, external rotator and supraspinatus they are used in lifting and throwing actions.

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