Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - BCAA's

Written by Rick Mitchell

BCAA stands for branched chain amino acids and is increasingly being recognized as an important supplement inrepparttar field of sports nutrition. In shortrepparttar 113015 term refers to three essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine.

Amino acids are widely known asrepparttar 113016 building blocks of protein. When protein food is eaten it gets digested into individual amino acids and short chains of amino acids that are sufficiently small to be absorbed intorepparttar 113017 bloodstream. They are then used byrepparttar 113018 body to build and repair tissues amongst other things.

Amino acids are split between those classed as essential and those labelled non-essential. This simply means that essential amino acids cannot be made byrepparttar 113019 body, whereas non-essential amino acids can. There are nine essential amino acids and each must be obtained fromrepparttar 113020 diet. The nine essential amino acids are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.

Shoulder Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders

Written by Rick Mitchell

The main shoulder muscles that concern bodybuilders arerepparttar deltoids and although they work closely withrepparttar 113014 arms and chest muscles, it is possible to isolaterepparttar 113015 delts in a training session. Unlike other body parts though,repparttar 113016 shoulder is not designed for heavy lifting in all directions so beginners need to take care and use lighter weights than usual for shoulder-isolating exercises.

The deltoid coversrepparttar 113017 shoulder and consists of three distinct segments:

1. The anterior or front deltoid allows you to raise your arm torepparttar 113018 front.

2. The medial or middle deltoid allows you to raise your arm torepparttar 113019 side.

3. The posterior or rear deltoid allows you to draw your arm backwards when it is perpendicular torepparttar 113020 torso.

The front delt usually receives plenty of work with chest exercises such asrepparttar 113021 bench press and pushup, so you'll need to use common sense and listen to your body when performing exercises that specifically target this muscle. The recommended shoulder exercises for beginners are as follows:

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