Kindness to Strangers

Written by Thomas Leo Ogren

Kingman, Arizona Tom Ogren

My son, Josh, 14 then, and I were lizard collecting in northern Arizona. It was unseasonably cold and we saw few lizards. We were off in some very remote mountains and when I stupidly tried to go where no 4 wheel drive would make it, I immediately blew out a tire on my car, an old 1988 Mazda 626. Always prepared, I discovered our jack was rusted closed, and thatrepparttar spare tire was flat. We had seen no one on this deserted dirt road and started to hike. It was going to be a very long hike. After about an hour a pickup truck with several cowboys came downrepparttar 123084 road. They were looking for some wayward horses of theirs. They were suntanned, rangy and tough looking, spoke very little, and wore 45 revolvers on their hips, but they quickly drove us back to our car. They tookrepparttar 123085 spare tire and said they'd be back. An hour later they showed up, spare tire fixed, and with their own huge jack, quickly fixed us up. We carefully drove back to town, Kingman, Arizona, several hours away. It was almost dark but we found an open tire place and bought a new tire. We usually go cheap and sleep outside and eat camp grub, but this time we decided to splurge. I askedrepparttar 123086 auto guys where there was a restaurant that you could get a good meal. They saidrepparttar 123087 steak house just acrossrepparttar 123088 street.

The Power of Self-Motivation

Written by L Sailaja

The Power of Self-Motivation by L Sailaja

How are you feeling today? Happy, sad, frustrated, dejected? Or, are you feeling/experiencing a state that cannot be described in words? In an age which is marked by ever-increasing competition and overpowering work/life balance, it is crucial to maintain equilibrium between intellectual strength and inner strength.

Despiterepparttar fact that we have to interact with a number of people and face pleasant as well as unpleasant situations, it is extremely important to retain faith in yourself atrepparttar 123083 end ofrepparttar 123084 day.

When things are goingrepparttar 123085 way we want to/the way we had wished to, everyday would be hassle-free. But, you have to brace yourself to deal withrepparttar 123086 very best andrepparttar 123087 very worst of everything. Sometimes, things go out of hand and we tend to be atrepparttar 123088 receiving end. This isrepparttar 123089 time to motivate yourself to get out ofrepparttar 123090 whirlpool of negative emotions. Negative emotions have a notorious capability of suppressing positive emotions. Therefore, you need to adopt MBMs (Motivation-Building Measures) to feel better and perform better:

(1)Recognize Inner Strength: Everyone hasrepparttar 123091 capability to achieve their goals. What is important is to realizerepparttar 123092 inherent potential in ourselves. More often than not, intellectual strength assumes greater significance when you are makingrepparttar 123093 all-important presentation, appearing for an exam or attending an interview. However,repparttar 123094 real hero is ‘inner strength’ which makes you feelrepparttar 123095 positive energy and gives yourepparttar 123096 extra edge when it comes to facing tough situations.

(2)Avoid Negative Emotions: It is human to experience all kinds of emotions. But, some emotions tend to overpowerrepparttar 123097 positive energy in ourselves. When you fell ill/lost a loved one, did not perform up torepparttar 123098 mark, were hurt by someone, it is natural to experience feelings of anger, frustration, helplessness, self-pity. We are not immune to negative emotions—we must know when to suppress their influence on our minds.

Cultivate a hobby, read, sing, write or do whatever you feel like to relax. Motivate yourself to feel good about yourself and get on with life.

(3)Try to be Strong against Unreasonable Circumstances: It is not an easy task to underminerepparttar 123099 power of annoying people or a hostile environment. These external agents have an uncanny ability to snuff out your confidence level and make you feel uncomfortable. However, no one/situation is larger than life itself. When you haverepparttar 123100 inner desire to motivate yourself, irrespective of unkind words/actions, you will appreciaterepparttar 123101 need to feel good about yourself and set about your tasks with increased enthusiasm and confidence.

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