Kierkegaard, Don Giovanni, and the Messiah

Written by Martin Winer

Kierkegaard, Don Giovanni, andrepparttar Messiah

“If you marry, you will regret it; if you do not marry, you will also regret it; if you marry or do not marry, you will regret both; whether you marry or do not marry, you will regret both.” -- Soren Kierkegaard.

Soren Kierkegaard was a tremendous fan of Don Giovanni (aka Don Juan). Kierkegaard pined in regret over his broken engagement with Regine Olsen. He feared that once she sawrepparttar 101418 rottenness and evil within him, that she would no longer be able to love him. Many of his earlier works were works dealing with faith and coming to grips with his decision not to marry her. Such a person would be interested inrepparttar 101419 character of Don Giovanni who slept with thousands of women in fear that no one woman would ever love him. Both Kierkegaard and Don Giovanni had a fundamental lack of faith: Not a lack of faith in God, but a lack of faith in humanity. We’ll soon see thatrepparttar 101420 two are related however.

What isrepparttar 101421 fundamental value of faith to begin with? Faith allowsrepparttar 101422 human mind to make decisions inrepparttar 101423 absence of perfect information and absolute certainty. Faith in its purest form is essential to daily living. How could we board a plane, drive to work or go about our daily business without a certain faith thatrepparttar 101424 odds are in our favour that everything is going to be alright? I’m certain that were Don Giovanni alive today, he’d happily board a plane to fly to his love ofrepparttar 101425 week. He would have faith inrepparttar 101426 plane ride, which could theoretically cost him his life, but he wouldn’t haverepparttar 101427 faith inrepparttar 101428 woman to truly love her, even when there is no mortal danger. This irony speaks wondrously ofrepparttar 101429 innate human ability to recognize thatrepparttar 101430 soul isrepparttar 101431 most precious thing of all. Don Giovanni was a duelist who commonly took risks with his life but never risked to expose his soul.

What then is so pernicious about opening yourself romantically to another human being? Why can’t we just open ourselves romantically to one eligible person afterrepparttar 101432 other until something works? While it sounds easy on paper, to be loved by someone is a validation of character. While it’s notrepparttar 101433 only validation of character, it’s certainly a potent one. Thus to be unrequited in love is looked upon as an invalidation of character to those unsure of their worth, and for those sure of their worth, it’s a reminder that they are alone in recognizing their value. This is a very painful proposition and it is no wonder that, like a baby crying upon birth, so very many of us wish to return torepparttar 101434 womb.

The womb isrepparttar 101435 solitary human mind. Things make sense in there and even when things are a mess, it’s out own mess. Everything is nicely encapsulated there, and it is comfortable, warm and friendly inside. The lengths human beings will go to in order to return and stay inrepparttar 101436 worm are enormous. Fancy cars and fancy clothes are a way to wrap and obscurerepparttar 101437 soul. Snobbery and ego are tools so many use to fend off any foreign invaders. Religious zealotry, self-absorption, and seekingrepparttar 101438 status quo are all opiates against any of out outside world that manages to slip in. The womb however is not where we were meant to be. It quickly leads to a planet of walking encapsulated beings that are so distant, one can easily feel lonely in a crowded room. It leads to a situation of starving amidst a sea of plenty.

If climbing back intorepparttar 101439 womb is not correct and loving blindly is a sure fire recipe for heartache then, what should we do? This isrepparttar 101440 second most common philosophical question. The Russian philosopher Chernichevsky wrote a huge work called “Shto Dzelits?” (‘What to do?’) which begins with “What to do?” and cycles back on itself “thus, what to do?” It cycles without fruition because it attempts to answer a question that can only be answered in actions. Recall that self-absorption in excessive thinking is an opiate: a device ofrepparttar 101441 womb and therefore can’t be part ofrepparttar 101442 solution. What actions then must be taken? 1) We must itemize everything that representsrepparttar 101443 womb to us. We must note down everything that we use to escape fromrepparttar 101444 world and others and every device we use to distance ourselves. That’s not to say thatrepparttar 101445 womb is always a bad thing: We should be protected against those that would misuse our love, but we must always be cognizant ofrepparttar 101446 shields and devices we use. 2) Whenrepparttar 101447 time is right, we must be willing to emerge from our womb and embrace another human being. The time is right when you think your love will help that person and that their love is reasonably unlikely to hurt you. 3) We must help others who are locked in a womb to recognize what they are doing and help them emerge. 4) Our primary mission must be to constantly prepare ourselves to give and receive love. 5) We must realize that every time we emerge fromrepparttar 101448 womb we take a huge risk, but it’s essential that risk in order to answerrepparttar 101449 most fundamental philosophical question: “What is this all about”?

How to Order Wine in a Restaurant

Written by Jason (The Snob)

Wine Ordering Basics — Just a Sniff, a Sip, and a Swallow Perhaps you’re comfortable ordering your “grande, nonfat, extra hot, wet cappuccino” every morning or having it your way every afternoon with your “holdrepparttar onions, holdrepparttar 101417 bun, pickles onrepparttar 101418 side, extra cheese cheeseburger wrapped in lettuce.”

However, that doesn’t mean you’re exactly thrilled when it comes to ordering wine in a shi-shi restaurant. With just a little “how to” knowledge, you can start ordering wine with your head held high. It’s a good idea to keep reading because you might humiliate someone if you dare ask for a bottle of “2-Buck Chuck” on your next outing.

Choosing a Wine

Byrepparttar 101419 Glass or Bottle?

• It’s less expensive to get a bottle if two or more guests are having a couple glasses of wine.

• You’ll be much more limited in your selection when ordering byrepparttar 101420 glass.

What Kind of Wine Do You Want?

• Decide on red versus white. That eliminates halfrepparttar 101421 list right away. • If ordering for a group of people, you might order a red AND a white bottle to satisfy a broader range of preferences.

What Are You Eating?

• Choose a wine that compliments your meal whether you’re having a steak or Caesar salad.

o Whites with lighter foods like grilled chicken or salads.

o Big reds with steaks or heavy red sauces.

o Lighter, fruitier reds with anything else.

• Connect your menu choice with a wine fromrepparttar 101422 same region, i.e., Rioja with tapas, Chianti with red-sauced Italian dishes, and so on.

How Much Do You Want to Spend?

• Know your approximate budget before you peruserepparttar 101423 wine list.

• Beware thatrepparttar 101424 house wines frequently have a high mark up forrepparttar 101425 restaurant and usually notrepparttar 101426 best values.

• If askingrepparttar 101427 server for suggestions, try asking about a particular wine inrepparttar 101428 price range you are considering. They will usually pick up on this clue and not suggest wines out of your budget.

Ask Your Server

• Don’t be afraid to ask for wine recommendations from your server.

• Some fine restaurants have a dedicated sommelier, (pronounced som-mel-yay), which is basically an on staff wine expert. Ask if you are unsure.

• Listen to their suggestions, but don’t be bullied into any decisions, especially if you feel they are simply pushing a high mark up wine or one too expensive for your budget.

• Informrepparttar 101429 serverrepparttar 101430 type of wine you are looking for, such as a heavy or fruity red, or an oaky or dry white.

The Serving Ritual After you have made your decision,repparttar 101431 server will serverepparttar 101432 wine in a ritual that may seem odd to novice wine drinkers. Here isrepparttar 101433 process and what you need to do.

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