Keyword Density

Written by Kristy Meghreblian

We can't emphasize enoughrepparttar importance of including keyword-rich content on your site to increase your ranking potential. Simply put, keywords arerepparttar 127966 words and/or word phrases people use when searching. As we've mentioned throughoutrepparttar 127967 site, search engine spiders love content. Therefore,repparttar 127968 more keyword-rich content you have,repparttar 127969 better. When a search engine spider crawls your site, it won't recognize pictures or images. So, if you have limited amounts of text (or none at all) and you've got a lot of beautiful pictures or Flash animation,repparttar 127970 spider may deem your site unworthy of listing.What Is Keyword Density? Keyword density isrepparttar 127971 ratio of a keyword or key phrases torepparttar 127972 total number of words on that page. It is one ofrepparttar 127973 most critical aspects of successful search engine optimization. To improve your search engine ranking potential, your keyword density must be just right. To calculate your keyword density, dividerepparttar 127974 total number of words on your page byrepparttar 127975 number of times your primary keyword or key phrase appears. Keyword density is critical when outliningrepparttar 127976 keyword portion of your search engine optimization strategy.Naturally, there is a fine line between strategically scattering these keywords throughout your content versus grouping them all together, separated by commas. The latter is known as spamming and you will get penalized for doing it. Don't think you can foolrepparttar 127977 search engines -- they haverepparttar 127978 technology to figure out these little tricks.Using Keyword Density To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking The best way to increase your search engine ranking potential is to develop your keyword strategy by researchingrepparttar 127979 most relevant (and most searched for) keywords or keyword phrases before you even begin building your site. So, you've already built your site? No worries -- you should still consider reviewingrepparttar 127980 keywords you have selected and make any necessary changes to your meta tags and site content. No matter how nice your site looks,

How to Optimize Your Website for Both Google & Inktomi

Written by Jim Hedger

The search engine environment continues to evolve rapidly, easily outpacingrepparttar ability of consumers and SEO practitioners to quickly adapt torepparttar 127965 new landscape. Withrepparttar 127966 ascension of Inktomi torepparttar 127967 level of importance that until recently was held solely by Google, SEO practitioners need to rethink several strategies, tactics and, perhaps evenrepparttar 127968 ethics of technique. Assuming this debate will unfold overrepparttar 127969 coming months, how does an "ethical SEO firm" work to optimize websites for two remarkably unique search engines without falling back on old-fashioned spammy tactics of leader-pages or portal-sites? Recently, another SEO unrelated to StepForth told me that he was starting to re-optimize his websites to meet what he thought were Inktomi's standards as a way of beating his competition to what looks to berepparttar 127970 new main driver. That shouldn't be necessary if you are careful and follow allrepparttar 127971 "best practices" developed overrepparttar 127972 years.

The answer to our puzzle is less than obvious but it lies inrepparttar 127973 typical behaviors ofrepparttar 127974 two search tools. While there are a number of similarities betweenrepparttar 127975 two engines, most notably in behaviors of their spiders, there are also significant differences inrepparttar 127976 way each engine treats websites. Forrepparttar 127977 most part, Google and Inktomi placerepparttar 127978 greatest weight on radically different site elements when determining eventual site placement. For Google, strong and relevant link-popularity is still one ofrepparttar 127979 most important factors in achieving strong placements. For Inktomi, titles, meta tags and text arerepparttar 127980 most important factors in getting good rankings. Both engines considerrepparttar 127981 number and arrangement of keywords, incoming links, andrepparttar 127982 anchor text used in links (though Google puts far more weight on anchor text than Inktomi tends to). That seems to be whererepparttar 127983 similarities end and,repparttar 127984 point where SEO tactics need revision. Once Inktomi is adopted as Yahoo's main listing provider, both Google and Inktomi will drive relativity similar levels of search engine traffic. Each will be as important asrepparttar 127985 other withrepparttar 127986 caveat that Inktomi powers two ofrepparttar 127987 big three while Google will only power itself.

2004 - The Year ofrepparttar 127988 Spider-Monkey The first important factor to think about is how does each spider work?

Entry to Inktomi Does Not Mean Full-Indexing Getting your site spidered by Inktomi's bot "Slurp" is essential. Like "Google-bot", "Slurp" will follow every link it comes across, reading and recording all information. A major difference between Google and Inktomi is that, when Google spiders a new site, there is a good chance of getting placements for an internal page without paying for that specific page to appear inrepparttar 127989 index. As far as we can tell, that inexpensive rule of thumb does not apply to Inktomi. While it is entirely possible to get entire sites indexed by Inktomi, we have yet to determine if Inktomi will allow all pages within a site to achieve placements without paying for these sites to appear inrepparttar 127990 search engine returns pages, (SERPs). Remember, Inktomi is a paid-inclusion service which charges webmasters an admission fee based onrepparttar 127991 number of pages in a site they wish to have spidered. Fromrepparttar 127992 information we have gathered, Slurp will follow each link in a site and, if provided a clear path, will spider every page inrepparttar 127993 site but, pages within that site that are paid-for duringrepparttar 127994 submission will be spidered far more frequently and will appear inrepparttar 127995 indexes months before non-paid pages. We noted this when examining how many pages Inktomi lists from newer clients versus how many from old clients. We have noticedrepparttar 127996 olderrepparttar 127997 site,repparttar 127998 more pages appear in Inktomi's database and on SERPs on search engines usingrepparttar 127999 Inktomi database. (This is assumingrepparttar 128000 webmaster only paid for inclusion of their INDEX page) Based on Inktomi's pricing, an average sized site of 50 pages could cost up to $1289 per year to have each page added torepparttar 128001 paid-inclusion database so it is safer then not to assume that most small-business webmasters won't want to pay that much.

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