Key to Excellent Communication: Anticipation

Written by Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology

Excellent communication. It’s what we’re all after, whenrepparttar first rule of communication is to assume you’ve been misunderstood.

We generally work very hard to express what we have in mind, and in giving instructions to go over each one step-by-step. We also try and listen carefully, and to repeat back what we think we’ve heard to be sure. And if we’re selling, we try an anticipate objections. But there’s one part that’s very helpful we often leave out.

I learned it from my Dad, a great communicator, when I was a teenager. I didn’t like to listen too closely, and often knew less than I thought I did. Like most teenagers. He was a gifted teacher, a patient and careful communicator, and convincing judges no doubt prepared him to convince teenage girls.

Now this will mean nothing to you if you haven’t driven from a northern suburb into Chicago on Lake Shore Drive, but I hope you can think of something similar in your own experience.

As you makerepparttar 101680 drive, there are several turns and then one big swing towardrepparttar 101681 Lake. If you live there and are at all ‘directional’, you always knowrepparttar 101682 Lake is on your left when you’re going south and going into Chicago is south. Coming home, you keeprepparttar 101683 Lake on your right. The suburbs were laid out on a grid, long before planned communities, and it’s one area where you can turn right, right, and right again and get back to where you started from. (When I moved to rural North Carolina and tried this, I ended up in another county!) Now, on this particular occasion I was going torepparttar 101684 ballpark forrepparttar 101685 first time, and my Dad was telling me how to get there. He carefully gave myrepparttar 101686 instructions, drawing me a map on a piece of paper, and said, “Now when you get to XXX, instead of turning left as you always do, you’re going to go straight ahead.”

I said I got it and was ready to head outrepparttar 101687 door. Just before I did, he said, “Just remember: Resist all urges to turn left.” I said “okay” and headed out.

When I got torepparttar 101688 turn, I saw what he meant. Straight ahead looked like a dead end. If I was sure of anything, it was that I should go ahead and followrepparttar 101689 hundreds of cars swinging left. Only my father’s “resist all urges” kept me going straight ahead, and on torepparttar 101690 ballpark.

Andrepparttar 101691 fact he phrased it that way piqued my curiosity. “What’s that?” I thought. So I remembered.

I also felt very close to him asrepparttar 101692 turn appeared. This isrepparttar 101693 sort of engagement you like to have with someone you’re learning from or working with. I thought he was really something to have anticipated how I would be feeling.

TAKE HOME POINT: We are more likely to get someone’s attention, to convince them, and to motivate them by engaging their emotions.

Saying “Do not turn left” putsrepparttar 101694 negative in your mind, raises resistance, and may be forgotten. Saying “turn right” may also be forgotten when needed, especially since he’d grown up there, driving that drive a thousand times, and obviously had done it himself. He had NOT resistedrepparttar 101695 urge to turn left, and knew all about it. This is a small example with small consequences.

Make Profits On Online Shopping

Written by Ricky Ahuja

Make Profits On Online Shopping

Time was when shopping was a painful experience, a chore to be lived with. Cash Back schemes have now broughtrepparttar fun back into shopping. One can now shop online and purchase all that you need without even leaving home. What's more, these online purchases also pay you back a certain amount on your purchases. Online purchase stores are now offering its customers up to 40% Cash Back on every purchase made. For shoppers, who do not like to venture out for their shopping and make all their purchases from online stores, these Cash Back rebate programmes actually pay them back for justrepparttar 101679 pains you are taking to go online.

Now, you may say that all this seems too good to be true, and might be skeptical aboutrepparttar 101680 whole idea. But allrepparttar 101681 skepticism becomes mud once you haverepparttar 101682 hard cash on your hands..... Yes,repparttar 101683 Cash Back. The Cash Back Rebate Programme works once you make a particular online shopping site, such as ours, your gateway to make all your online purchases. The share ofrepparttar 101684 commissions which we get from our online stores for bringing customers to them is then shared with...... who else, but YOU.

The Cash Back Rebate Programmes onrepparttar 101685 web consist of Cash Back on Credit Cards, Cash Back on Real Estate, Cash Back on Mortgage and Cash Back on Juvenile Money, apart from Cash Back shopping. When you log on to an online site offering Cash Back on Real Estate, find a good real estate agent who can buy you a good property or sell you a good one, and you will receive a share ofrepparttar 101686 commission that is paid torepparttar 101687 site byrepparttar 101688 agent for finding him a customer. This same principal operates on allrepparttar 101689 online sites which provide Cash Back Rebate Programmes to its surfers. Cash Back Mortgages provide you with a very useful cash injection at a very expensive time of your life.

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