Keeping your business alive: Use 4 color postcard printing!

Written by Marlon D. Ludovice

There are a lot of ways to keep your business inrepparttar market world. By providing good service and better advertisements to express your operations torepparttar 102884 public are two ofrepparttar 102885 many services a business entity shall possess.

How to create a good business image to other company is a big question to everyone for all business entity faces a stiff competition for business operation survival. And one way to create competition is creating several contacts that establish business deals. Creating effective contacts may facilitate byrepparttar 102886 use of a 4 color business cards. A card that is printed in various colors certainly develops brilliant colors.

Impressing a client is a difficult thing; you need to have effective strategies to convince them that your company isrepparttar 102887 right choice forrepparttar 102888 job. And marketing is one ofrepparttar 102889 best ways to persuaderepparttar 102890 customers to consider your company. While other forms of marketing strategies are available,repparttar 102891 use of business cards isrepparttar 102892 most effective way. Much more effective when it comes to a vibrant four color postcard print. When you're designing your marketing materials, you certainly want them to be tailor-made. Using a standard approach in your ads, brochures and Web sites won't set you apart fromrepparttar 102893 mass; it won't tell people what's unique about you, your business, your products and services. It won't cause you to be remembered.

When you advertise your services or products, being specific marks you as an expert. Networkers know thatrepparttar 102894 more you bring your unique personality, needs and capabilities into your business identity,repparttar 102895 more referrals you're likely to receive. The same applies to your marketing materials. To getrepparttar 102896 kinds of customers you want, good marketing requires you to be specific about what you do and what makes you unique.

Wayne Rogers: From Actor To Super Investor

Written by Bill Knell

Wayne Rogers: From Actor To Super Investor

By Bill Knell

It took a tragedy not far removed from Wayne Rogers to wake him up when it came to money and how to handle it. According to an interview he gave torepparttar Financial Intelligence Report, Wayne had first met Peter Falk whenrepparttar 102883 two shared a room in New York City. Falk, an accomplished film, stage and television actor, later suffered a financial trauma not uncommon to many other celebrities. Inrepparttar 102884 1970s while bothrepparttar 102885 longtime friends were living and working in Hollywood, Peter Falk became a victim of fraud.

Falk lost around $250,000 to a crooked business manager and he wasn’t alone. Bad investments had claimedrepparttar 102886 fortunes of many of Hollywood’s Elite. John Wayne almost went bankrupt due to bad investments. Bud Abbot of Abbot and Costello spent his last days dying of cancer and flat broke in Woodland Hills, California. Poor money management and a huge IRS bill claimedrepparttar 102887 fortunes of both members ofrepparttar 102888 famous comedy team. Jackie Coogan earned over four million dollars as a child star inrepparttar 102889 1920’s, but lost all his money to his mother and stepfather who had invested badly and wastedrepparttar 102890 rest on a lavish lifestyle.

These lessons on how celebrities had handled their money were a wake up call to Wayne. He began looking intorepparttar 102891 world of investing and started his financial empire by purchasing apartment buildings in foreclosure. Rogers started investing with a simple goal in mind. He wanted to hold on to his money and make it grow. He later moved on from real estate to stocks and bonds.

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