Keeping The Flame Alive

Written by Arthur Cooper

Keeping The Flame Alive By Arthur Cooper (c) Copyright 2004

When you are going in to work every day to do a job that seems boring and routine, how do you keep going?

Whenrepparttar business that you have started up does not seem to be going anywhere, how do you keep motivated?

When you know that you have talents that are unused and unrecognised, how do you keep at it?

In short, when faced with these situations how do you keep repparttar 103227 flame alive? The flame of enthusiasm, of interest, of pride in your work, of satisfaction of a good job done?

It is not always easy.

It is not always easy to sustain a positive attitude in face of setbacks. It is not always easy to maintain enthusiasm amidst surrounding lethargy. It is not always easy to keep working hard when your abilities are not stretched.

But you must.

You must believe, really believe, that there is something better. Because there is.

You must believe, really believe, that you yourself can do better. Because you can.

The world is full of people doing jobs more interesting than yours, more challenging than yours, more exiting than yours, better paid than yours. You have only got to look around to see that this is true. Ask yourself: 'If they can, why can't I?'.

Some are employed. Others have their own businesses. It doesn't matter which. Chose your own path. Somewhere out there there is something for you.

Don't let other people tell you what you can't do. There are plenty of people who will do that. Listen torepparttar 103228 few, sometimes very few, who tell you that you can.

That something better that you are looking for may be a new job or it may be your own business. If this is what you really want to do, then go for it.

Where does the time go?

Written by Coach Pat Morgan

Ever find yourself wishing you had just a few more hours inrepparttar day to get it all done? Between work and family responsibilities alone, it can be challenging to juggle time for everything. Surely we were created for more than a life on a continuous treadmill where we never seem to catch up. Futurists predicted that, inrepparttar 103226 21st century, work would be done in virtual organizations and paperless offices. Some even said thatrepparttar 103227 work week would drop to 35, or even 30 hours, and that too much leisure time could become a problem. Most of us are not quite there yet, are we? Actually, overrepparttar 103228 past quarter-century,repparttar 103229 time Americans spend at work has continued to rise. Our world seems to be speeding ahead faster than our comfort level and creating effects like stress, exhaustion and other health problems, to name a few. In business,repparttar 103230 constant pressure to reduce costs and to do more with less often leaves employees in an unending cycle of overwork and overwhelm which ultimately affectsrepparttar 103231 productivity and efficiency ofrepparttar 103232 organization. What isrepparttar 103233 solution? Time management can help. Or rather, more effective use of time can help. When you think about it, we don't really manage time, but rather manage ourselves and how we choose to spend each 24 hour day we are given. By having tools and support available, we can better manage ourselves andrepparttar 103234 choices we make. Tips for Managing Use of Time... 1. TAKE A LOOK AT WHERE YOU SPENDING YOUR TIME. It may sound odd to suggest taking time in an already busy schedule to assess how you are using time. Try tracking your time forrepparttar 103235 next week and see just how you spend it. Becoming more aware of how you use time can help you identify opportunities for changes that may alleviate time pressures. Ask yourself: Where doesrepparttar 103236 time go? Is there a change I can make to spend time more wisely?

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