Keeping Baby Safe: your most important role as a parent

Written by Claire Bowes

Saying Thanks, But No Thanks to Used Safety Equipment

Once your beautiful bundle of joy arrives,repparttar work of raising your child really begins. The biggest job you have as a parent is keeping your baby safe. Yet, it is impossible to watch over your children twenty-four hours a day.

Thankfully, there are many safety products available to keep them from getting hurt. These products include safety gates, outlet covers, oven and table bumpers, doorknob covers, bed rails, locks and guards, and many more. As a parent, you need to use products that are one step ahead of their children's abilities, and can do so by getting down on their level and looking around. This gives you a child's eye perspective of child safety issues in your home.

But with so many products to buy and so many different brand names, how do you decide what products you need most? The best thing to do when it comes to safety is buy new products rather than used ones. An older, used product may have been recalled due to dangerous safety issues, or it may be damaged from previous use. Although hand-me-downs are great for clothes and toys, your child’s safety is just too important to leave to chance. Babies R Us is a great place to find allrepparttar 110810 safety products you need.

That still leavesrepparttar 110811 issue of how to choose between one safety gate, for instance, and another. Here are some purchasing tips for some ofrepparttar 110812 more popular safety items you will need for your baby.

Car Seats

More children are seriously injured and killed in auto accidents than in any other type of accident. Each year, hundreds of lives could be saved if children were protected in cars by using child safety seats. Using a child safety seat isrepparttar 110813 best protection you can give your child when traveling by car.

When purchasing a car seat, look for:

· Label states that it meets or exceedsrepparttar 110814 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; · Isrepparttar 110815 car seat appropriate for your child's height and weight? · Be aware ofrepparttar 110816 type of seat belts your car has; all car seats are not compatible with all seat belts; · Check recent car seat recalls before making a purchase; · Be sure thatrepparttar 110817 seat you choose fits your child - a smaller baby can slip out of a seat that's too large. Infants one year or younger and up to 20 pounds must be placed in a rear-facing seat, toddlers (older than 1 year and between 20 and 40 pounds) may use a forward-facing seat, and children who are between 40 and 80 pounds need to be placed in a booster seat; · Consider choosing a seat that is upholstered in fabric - it may be more comfortable for your child.

Safety Gates

Baby safety gates are an essential element in making your home baby proof. Now that he's onrepparttar 110818 move, every nook and cranny is a potential area of exploration for him. Your baby is curious about his new environment, wanting to investigate each little corner and new room. The best way to make sure he can't do any harm to himself is to install safety gates. These will prevent him from reachingrepparttar 110819 stairs, kitchen, or an office room, where there might be many wires and electrical equipment just at his height

Accordion gates, which open to form diamond-shaped patterns with wide V's atrepparttar 110820 top, can trap a baby's head and have resulted in strangulation deaths. In January 1985, gate manufacturers halted production of these gates, but there are still an estimated 15 million gates in use. Mesh gates also can be dangerous because a toddler's fingers can become trapped.

When purchasing a safety gate, look forrepparttar 110821 following:

End Babysitter Abuse

Written by By Robert Nelson

Not many things are more upsetting than discovering that your child has been abused, in any way, by your babysitter. People think that to be a babysitter means you must be a nice person. WRONG! Some ofrepparttar nicest people turned out to be Serial Killers, so don't ever give a Babysitterrepparttar 110809 benefit ofrepparttar 110810 doubt.

You should always ask for references. Check outrepparttar 110811 references. Make phone calls to see ifrepparttar 110812 reference sounds credible, or is it a friend ofrepparttar 110813 babysitter. Don't laught, it is easy to have a fake reference. It happens, don't let it happen to you. An Interview is in order before actually hiring anyone for anything. See how your child feels withrepparttar 110814 new babysitter. Does he or she feel comfortable? Are they talkative? Shy? Afraid? Kids have a good "Gut" level of feeling comfortable or afraid of people. Don't ever "force" a babysitter on your child. A good general conversation will bring out much in a potential babysitter.

Make sure they will not smoke in your house, nor use your phone for personal calls. Also, make it clear that they are not expected to be on their cell phone all night long. They are there to watch your child, not to entertain guests.

Well, what if you suspect that something negative is going on? Does your child freak-out when you talk about having this Babysitter come back? Has your child gone through a Personality Change since being with a certrain Babysitter? Has your child 's eating habits changed? Is their a weight change? Any new Bruises that resemble being grabbed and/or squeezed? Nightmares?

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