Keep Your Investment Profits

Written by Al Thomas

KEEP YOUR INVESTMENT PROFITS Have you had one of those huge investment winners – a stock that went from $2.00 to $80.00? Or any other numbers you want that gave you a gigantic percent profit? Did you takerepparttar profit or did you watchrepparttar 111872 equity drop back down to what you paid for it? I hope you sold and keptrepparttar 111873 money. That’s what it is all about. So many times when I was a broker I have seen customers make large profits and then think they were omniscient about trading and within a short period give back what they had made. As a brokerage company owner I had seasoned brokers dorepparttar 111874 sane thing. One of my men made $150,000 in a short time. I called to congratulate his performance and suggested he take a vacation from trading for a while. He said, “No, Al, I know what I am doing”. The very next month he lost $155,000. What happened? Listen carefully as I am going to tell you one ofrepparttar 111875 great truisms not found inrepparttar 111876 trading training manuals. If you are doing any trading whether in stocks, mutual funds, real estate, currencies, whatever, this applies. Print this out, frame it and put it up on your office wall. “Making a lot of money is just as upsetting to your mind as losing a lot of money”.

Apartment Financing Explained

Written by Cameron Brown

Apartment Financing Explained

So you're interested in enteringrepparttar world of property management? Have you thought about how you're going to get into this potentially lucrative market? Let's face it; unless you've just inherited a large sum of money or are otherwise independently wealthy you're going to have to borrow. This is where apartment financing comes in.

Before you go down torepparttar 111871 local bank or investment company, it might be a good idea to ask yourself how long you expect to ownrepparttar 111872 apartment building or complex. Is this a long-term investment? The answer to this question can significantly impactrepparttar 111873 type apartment financing you should get.

If you are planning on owningrepparttar 111874 property for a couple of years or less, most experts agree that an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) will be your best method of apartment financing. Likerepparttar 111875 name suggests, an ARM is a loan will an interest rate that may change with time in accordance with an index. ARMs will usually offer a better initial interest rate than other loans in order to offsetrepparttar 111876 risk of future interest rate fluctuations. Moreover,repparttar 111877 mortgage holder is also protected by a maximum interest rate, or ceiling, that may be reset every year. Individuals planning to stay inrepparttar 111878 property management business forrepparttar 111879 long term may want to look into a fixed rate mortgage. A fixed rate loan will guaranteerepparttar 111880 same interest rate overrepparttar 111881 life ofrepparttar 111882 mortgage.

If interest rates are historically low atrepparttar 111883 time you receiverepparttar 111884 loan, this type of loan will lock you in atrepparttar 111885 best possible rate. Onrepparttar 111886 other hand, if interest rates are historically high atrepparttar 111887 time ofrepparttar 111888 loan, you could be stuck paying higher interest than you would have with another method of apartment financing.

Another important question you may want to think about before seeking an apartment financing source isrepparttar 111889 estimated cost ofrepparttar 111890 property. This may seem like a fairly obvious question to consider when looking for a loan, but far too many first-time investors just takerepparttar 111891 interest rates they're given without question. Ifrepparttar 111892 property you're interested in is selling for over $500,000, a direct lending source or investment company can give you a better interest rate than most banks or credit unions. However, if you're looking at a smaller apartment building selling for under 500k you may want to see what your local bank can offer you.

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