Keep It Basic and Profit More

Written by Tim Bossie

The question has been asked.

And asked.

And asked.

And.... you getrepparttar idea.

I knew it was a problem for many people. I know it's hard to find concrete information that actually helps. I didn't know that it was causing problems with roses too.

"How do I start advertising?" "What isrepparttar 100696 best way to advertise?" "Can you show me what exactly I need to do to advertise my website?" No matter how you ask it,repparttar 100697 question'srepparttar 100698 same. How do you advertise your website forrepparttar 100699 most traffic, most profits, and least cost?

Recently I received an email withrepparttar 100700 strangest subject; "Help my roses!"

I was intrigued, so I opened it and I'm glad I did. It was from a woman who has been involved with affiliate marketing for roughly a year now and, sadly, wasn't any better now than when she started. As a matter of fact, she was spending so much time onrepparttar 100701 computer trying to find affordable, but responsive advertising, that she had neglected her rose garden.

The poor flowers didn't have a chance againstrepparttar 100702 allure and pull of advertising for a profit.

Basics Are Powerful

When I answer these questions,repparttar 100703 response is alwaysrepparttar 100704 same, "Yes, but isn't that just basic stuff?"

It's a funny thing about advertising. New, shiny, glamorous, and technical can't beat basic. The same techniques that worked one hundred years ago still work today and should always berepparttar 100705 cornerstone of your advertising.

It's like woodworking. I have a brand new planer that I can put my pieces of wood into to make it to any thickness that I want. But, when it comes to shaving a little bit of wood off a corner, or targeting one specific area onrepparttar 100706 wood, then my old, basic hand planer isrepparttar 100707 tool that works best.

Target, Target, Target

When I askedrepparttar 100708 woman withrepparttar 100709 neglected roses what she was doing for advertising, her answer wasrepparttar 100710 same as everyone else's. "I takerepparttar 100711 ads thatrepparttar 100712 affiliate program supplied me with and I buy ezine ad space."

I still cringe when I hear someone say that. It's really no wonder that so many people fail at successfully advertising their affiliate sites.

There are a few problems with takingrepparttar 100713 supplied ads and buying ad space;

Those ads are guides to get you started, not something to rely on forever.

If you're using those ads, then everyone else is also.

You can't seperate yourself as an "expert" if you're doingrepparttar 100714 same as everyone else.

The market is already saturated with those supplied ads and people are "turned off" from them.

Just buying ad space is not putting your ad where it needs to be.

Do you really want to succeed at affiliate marketing? Then throw those supplied ads away and narrow your ezine search to those whose readership (their subscribers) are a perfect target forrepparttar 100715 product you're selling.

That'srepparttar 100716 secret. That'srepparttar 100717 magic formula. There is nothing glamorous or technical about it. It'srepparttar 100718 same technique that has been in use sincerepparttar 100719 dawn of man.

The Right Tools

It's been my experience with affiliate programs thatrepparttar 100720 tools that have been supplied always worked real well forrepparttar 100721 initial traffic... and maybe some sales.

But, after that initial burst, they just didn't work anymore. I had to come up with my own. After a lot of research and trial and error I realized that three very basic advertising tools worked best.

--- classified ads

"What isrepparttar 100722 best software to blast my classified ads out with?",repparttar 100723 woman withrepparttar 100724 roses asked me. "None of them", was my reply.

Classified ads, ezine ads, small text ads... whatever you want to call them have an important and distinct place in your advertising. But, not with some software that "blasts" it out to thousands of so called classified sites.

These are your work horses. This is where you start to layrepparttar 100725 foundation of your online business. These little gems of traffic, when submitted torepparttar 100726 right places can produce tremendous amounts of first time visitors. This is what you want.

Create an ad that is creative, provocative, stimulating then manually find ezines and websites where you can submit them. I recommend contacting at least five to ten different publishers and site owners a day to secure positions. And not just any ezines or sites. Only those that targetrepparttar 100727 same audience that you need to buy your product.

5 Qualities of an Ezine That Makes it a Perfect Match For Your Ad

Written by Tim Bossie

Ezine or email advertising is extremely powerful. Wouldn't it be nice to know thatrepparttar ezines you choose to advertise in will give you a tremendous return on your investment?

The question we must ask ourselves is "What makes an ezine a perfect match for my ad"?

In ezine advertising, especially with solo ads, there are two purposes; (1) to have your ad read, and (2) to haverepparttar 100695 reader respond to your site. How do you make sure that happens. Are you really getting your money's worth by submitting your ad to just any ezine? Can you really getrepparttar 100696 needed results when you blindly buy ad space in a group of ezines?

What do you need to look for before you ever submit your ad?

Failure starts with 'betting' on your ad

One ofrepparttar 100697 major rules about advertising, especially onrepparttar 100698 Internet, is to know who you are advertising to. A "throwrepparttar 100699 dice" attitude will immediately send you into a downward spiral. Chance plays a huge part in gambling. I can't see where skill actually plays a part. I mean, sure you need to know how to play cards, and throw some dice, and play over some stragety on your part. But, actual skill... I can't see it.

It's all up to luck, or chance.

Take playing blackjack for example. You can in no way manipulaterepparttar 100700 deck of cards so that you getrepparttar 100701 cards you need. You are betting onrepparttar 100702 chances your needed card comes up to reach 21 or to beatrepparttar 100703 house, but you can't touch them, look atrepparttar 100704 deck, or even deal. It's all up to chance.

Do you really want to 'bet' on your ad?

You need a strategy. There is skill to placing an ad with an ezine. It takes time, commitment, and patience, but there is a skill to it and it's absolutely vital torepparttar 100705 overall success of your website.

Only Advertise In Ezines That Are A Match With Your Target Audience

This sounds obvious, but it's also a place where many marketers completely missrepparttar 100706 mark. And this is one ofrepparttar 100707 major dangers of submitting your ad to groups of ezines instead of individual.

Only an ezine that publishes content that isrepparttar 100708 same topic as your product will ever produce profitable responses fromrepparttar 100709 readers. The people who read these ezines are interested in your product. For example, let's say you have an ad for an ebook about joint ventures. Where would you getrepparttar 100710 best results, an ezine dealing with copywriting or one written about advertising?

You might get results with a copywriting ezine, but you'd get much better returns with a ezine whose readers are mainly interested in advertising techniques and products.

How do you find these ezines?

I wish I could say it's easy or that it could be done in a matter of minutes, but unfortunately it takes time. It takes patience and committed research.

When putting together advertising campaigns for clients I steer well clear of advertising co-op's and hitrepparttar 100711 directories and search engines.

Recently, I did a campaign for a website that is selling personal defense products (stun-guns, mace, brass knuckles, etc.). I went to and searched for websites that dealt with personal defense.

I visited each site. If they had a newsletter I subscribed to it and emailedrepparttar 100712 owner to get information about advertising with them.

Note: You should be emailing each and every ezine publisher you want to do business with. This sets up a personal relationship, opensrepparttar 100713 door to "special inside deals", and can help with setting up joint ventures.

The point is to do your homework. Advertising in ezines does work, and it tremendously powerful. But, you need to submit your ad inrepparttar 100714 right ezines.

Are There Any Competing Ads In The Ezine?

Once you've subscribed torepparttar 100715 ezine you want to advertise in, it's a good thing to check outrepparttar 100716 advertising that's already there.

It's very important to know if there are any ads forrepparttar 100717 same type of product, or for affiliatesrepparttar 100718 same product?

This way you know a few things;

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