Keep Business Reports Brief

Written by Arthur Cooper

Keep Business Reports Brief By Arthur Cooper (c) Copyright 2004

The point of a business report is to communicate information, or an opinion, and sometimes to persuade or convince. To do this effectivelyrepparttar two keywords are brevity and clarity.

When you read some reports you wonder what they are trying to achieve. They are too long, too verbose, and too vague. When you get torepparttar 103615 end you wonder what wasrepparttar 103616 point of it. Don’t say in a hundred words what you can say in ten. It does not impress in a business environment. You are not trying to win literary prizes. You are trying to transfer information from one person to another. Don’t use flowery phrases when you can spell it out with short and simple words.

Don’t use jargon when it is not universally understood. Don’t use acronyms without an explanation. Explain all specialist terms and abbreviations. Use footnotes or an appendix if this helps to prevent breaking uprepparttar 103617 flow.

Don’t assume pre-existing knowledge inrepparttar 103618 reader unless you are certain of it. Don’t assume that he holdrepparttar 103619 same initial opinions as you if your report builds upon them. If everything you say flows logically from an initial assumption, you need to establishrepparttar 103620 truth of that first.

How to Meet Quality Standards with ISO 9001

Written by Chris Anderson

In today’s hectic business environment, it is vital that we are all onrepparttar same page, right? But how do we know if we meet those standards? Business owners and executives can avoidrepparttar 103614 uncertainty, and that’s where ISO 9001 certification comes in.

Standardizing Quality Systems

The ISO, or International Organization for Standardization, was established in 1947 to develop international standards for everything from electronics to management systems. Having over 13,000 standards currently in place, ISO has createdrepparttar 103615 auditing and certification process known as ISO 9001. This beganrepparttar 103616 drive toward quality standards.

Improving Customer Satisfaction

Companies choose to implement ISO 9001 and get certified because many customers and industries require it. By keeping customers happy, they can increase sales and profitability for their business. And if an area ofrepparttar 103617 company’s program appears to be too bureaucratic and non-value-adding, then it might also be an area for continuous improvement efforts.

Enhancing Company Performance

Both customers and industries alike use ISO certification as a way to evaluate and audit their suppliers and products. Through an independent verification process, customers can gain assurance of their suppliers’ products. And as a supplier becomes certified,repparttar 103618 testing requirement is waved, which savesrepparttar 103619 company both time and money.

Developing Best Practices

Employed as a “Best Practices” model, ISO 9001 utilizesrepparttar 103620 philosophy ofrepparttar 103621 “Plan-Do-Check-Act” continuous improvement cycle to achieve requirements. This process approach centers around eight quality management principles used by management as a guide toward improving performance and identifyingrepparttar 103622 main elements needed in a good quality system:

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