Written by Armando Zanolla


Are you interested moving to Spain? Well in this article you can experience some taste of It.! Creixell belongs torepparttar district of Tarragones ofrepparttar 103296 province of Tarragona. It covers a territorial extension of 10, 5 Km2. It is very near fromrepparttar 103297 Mediterranean coast, and right next to ‘El Massís de Bonastre’. This massif occupies more than half ofrepparttar 103298 surface ofrepparttar 103299 township which is situated inrepparttar 103300 north part; and inrepparttar 103301 east side is where there isrepparttar 103302 inhabited centre, in a plane area. The littoral has no geographic accidents. Withinrepparttar 103303 township, there are many private residential areas which are very close torepparttar 103304 village. One ofrepparttar 103305 most famous isrepparttar 103306 "Barri de les Botigues de Mar", which is next torepparttar 103307 beach which is 1.200 mts. long, far fromrepparttar 103308 inhabited centre.

POPULATION According torepparttar 103309 last census carried out byrepparttar 103310 Nacional Institute of Statistics, in 2001 there were 2.086 inhabitants. HISTORY The oldest remains that have been found inrepparttar 103311 village belong to a Roman village fromrepparttar 103312 II and III centuries. They were built in an area that is known nowadays as "La Clota", betweenrepparttar 103313 national road andrepparttar 103314 beach. Byrepparttar 103315 coast of Creixell is been found some pieces of ceramics, lead, stone and other tools used hundred of years ago. The first documents talking about Creixell date fromrepparttar 103316 XI century. It appears a place called "Lloc de les Morisques" which belongs torepparttar 103317 township nowadays. Creixell appears in many documents of donation and sales, untilrepparttar 103318 Archbishop of Barcelona Ramon de Castellvell, in 1190, gave a Population permit torepparttar 103319 people who wanted to live inrepparttar 103320 village of Creixell. Inrepparttar 103321 XVI century, most ofrepparttar 103322 villages of El Tarragonès developed an intense vitality and activity due torepparttar 103323 presence of ‘La Comuna del Camp’. However, there were many attacks fromrepparttar 103324 pirates and some plagues that affected these villages, such asrepparttar 103325 Black Death. Nevertheless, a few years later they experienced a demographic increase due torepparttar 103326 entrance of many French people in this area. Duringrepparttar 103327 "Guerra dels Segadors"repparttar 103328 village was sacked and robbed byrepparttar 103329 soldiers. It supportedrepparttar 103330 Archiduque Carlos duringrepparttar 103331 "Guerra de Successió", as many villages of "La Comuna" did, and contributed torepparttar 103332 war with some soldiers and quantities of money.

Duringrepparttar 103333 XVIII century, Creixell became a part ofrepparttar 103334 "Corregiment de Tarragona", and as in allrepparttar 103335 villages ofrepparttar 103336 country, there was a strong demographic and economic decrease. In 1767, afterrepparttar 103337 Jesuits were expulsed,repparttar 103338 jurisdiction ofrepparttar 103339 village went torepparttar 103340 hands ofrepparttar 103341 crown, which sold it to Salvador de Marc. He and his descendants governedrepparttar 103342 "Señorío de Creixell and Roda" untilrepparttar 103343 manor rights were abolished.

Duringrepparttar 103344 XIX century,repparttar 103345 Carlinas fights dividedrepparttar 103346 village atrepparttar 103347 time that it started to recover fromrepparttar 103348 recession untilrepparttar 103349 philloxera crisis impacted in it.

Two Types of Executive Summaries

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Companies seeking capital often ask how longrepparttar Executive Summary of their business plan should be. The answer depends uponrepparttar 103295 use ofrepparttar 103296 summary, mainly determining if 1) it precedesrepparttar 103297 full business plan, or 2) it will be used as a stand-alone document.

Whenrepparttar 103298 Executive Summary precedesrepparttar 103299 business plan, its length should be short, typically only one to two pages and certainly no longer than three pages. This is becauserepparttar 103300 Executive Summary is not meant to tellrepparttar 103301 whole story ofrepparttar 103302 business opportunity. Rather,repparttar 103303 summary must simply stimulate and motivaterepparttar 103304 investor to learn more aboutrepparttar 103305 company inrepparttar 103306 body ofrepparttar 103307 plan.

The second type of Executive Summary is a stand-alone document. That is, it is given, by itself, to investors for their initial review. If interested,repparttar 103308 investor will then requestrepparttar 103309 full business plan. A stand-alone Executive Summary is often used to limitrepparttar 103310 flow of information. That is, if an investor is not interested inrepparttar 103311 general opportunity that your summary presents, you don’t want to reveal to them intimate details of your plan.

Regardless of which type of Executive Summary you are developing,repparttar 103312 summary must includedrepparttar 103313 following critical elements: •A concise explanation ofrepparttar 103314 business •A description ofrepparttar 103315 market size and market need forrepparttar 103316 business •A discussion of howrepparttar 103317 company is uniquely qualified to fulfill this need

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