My doorknocker is getting rusty! I don't know about your neighborhood but it seems only
occasional vacuum cleaner saleskid flashes free dishsoap through my screen door anymore.On
other hand,
phone sure rings a lot more and I'm sorry to have to announce to telemarketers several times a day that Mr. Beneteau, or
"man of
house", has passed on.
Is it just me, or has
daily newspaper gone on a diet? Looking a little thinner these days with less display ads.
My eyes and ears don't deceive me when
now several hundred TV channels pump out hour upon hour of infomercials. And radio has put its hyper-than-ever voice onto
Web, electing to follow you out of your car and onto your computer.
Have you also noticed it's a 24 hour-a-day news broadcast on
The times they are a changin' one songwriter said. Question is, are you changing with
times? Being aware of this giant media shift and being a part of it are two totally different things.
I've written this article mainly for those entrepreneurs whose businesses might not seem to them like a logical candidate for Internet exposure and marketing. If that is not
case with you, please keep reading, as I'm sure you will get something useful from my ramblings.
Knock, knock, still with me?
There is no business as apparently "far away" from The Internet as drycleaning. Customers have to show up live and in person at your counters with their cleaning. And, it's a drycleaning business I used to own and operate so this will serve my purpose well. Although I sold my company just prior to
laying of
pavement of
Information Super Highway, I would like to make a theoretical case study of how I would "marry" my drycleaning business and
Internet if I still owned MyCleaner (fictitious name of course) today.
Ok, these were
areas of advertising that worked best for me:
Newspaper (I ran a Dr. Drycleaner column once a week in our 200,000+ local newspaper plus seasonal institutional and promotional ads)
Television (1 general commercial and 1 wedding gown commercial, run seasonally on
only local station at
Direct Mail Coupons (run seasonally, rotated in upscale neighborhoods)
Welcome Wagon Bridal Parties (we specialized in wedding gown restoration and preservation - 4 large bridal parties a year)
Local TV Guide (I ran weekly wedding gown service ads)
The reason I mention
above advertising mediums will become evident soon.
Knowing what I know today, this is how I would apply
Internet to MyCleaner.
Of course MyCleaner would have a website. I would hire
best webdesigner in my locale and work hands-on with this professional to design a website that I've planned out very well in advance. The designer will of course bring a lot of great ideas to
party. I would create
following website sections:
The History of MyCleaner (old and recent photos of buildings, delivery trucks, staff, pricelists, memorabilia etc.);
All About Drycleaning (history, evolution to modern-day techniques);
We "Green" Clean (how we protect
environment - a large issue today);
Wedding Gown Restoration & Preservation (explaining
process, perhaps using video streaming);
Links to all
national and international trade organizations MyCleaner belongs to; Links to our local Better Business Bureau and Chamber of Commerce; Our Testimonial Page (featuring letters of praise about our services);
Online Coupon Specials and a refer-a-friend program (you will see this soon);
Employee of
And, I would include advice from good old Dr. Drycleaner. But this time, I would make
column into an interactive web board where customers could write in and ask, and get posted answers to, particular questions about garment care.
Knock, knock, try to keep up here, ok?
My intention here is NOT to increase my advertising and promotion costs one red cent. MrCleaner is simply going to transfer advertising mediums and their budgets. In my case, I would resolve this issue easily. I would reduce my newspaper advertising by 50% right away (after all,
newspaper is looking kinda frail) and apply these dollars to my Internet exposure. I would also reduce
coupon mailings and their costs (remember, I will be using online coupons now) and transfer these savings into
erection of two billboards on high-traffic roads that promote
website and
online coupons. The billboards will appear "down
road" only when
website is working perfectly (so
coupon budget becomes available instantly). These two items will fund
webdesign, domain registration ( and server costs. I would also print a flyer announcing
MyCleaner website. All other advertising activities and budgets would remain in place (you'll see why soon).
Instead of producing expensive new television commercials I would just add "chirons" (text images 'pasted' over existing video) to my television commercials promoting
new website. Dr. Drycleaner and
online coupons would stream across
screen during
existing spots. Probably cost me nothing in production costs as
TV station would gladly do it just to keep my business.
Also, as we re-order our printables,
new website and its features would soon appear on our letterhead, envelopes, invoices etc. As mentioned above, I would design and print good-looking flyers announcing
"Grand Opening of
MyCleaner Website", again highlighting all its features. Ever seen I.D. IT! Plates? At 39.95 per set, these are a great marketing tool! I would invest in a set for each of my employees, delivery vehicles, family and friends so that their vehicles become "travelling billboards" for
MyCleaner website. Check these out later at: .