June Weddings

Written by Gary E. Anderson

June Weddings (Fromrepparttar book Spider’s Big Catch) by Gary E. Anderson www.abciowa.com

As June wraps its arms around us likerepparttar 110918 warm hug of a favorite aunt, I begin to think about weddings. I've been a musician for thirty years, and I've played at scores of weddings and receptions, sometimes more than once forrepparttar 110919 same person. It was a way to make a living—the money was good and there was usually decent food.

As a wedding soloist, I’d sit off torepparttar 110920 side, watching brides in white dresses and grooms in rented tuxedos promise to love each other forever. But somehow, I couldn’t shake a sadness that always hung over me as I watched, knowing that one in every two marriages will fail.

I can’t explain it, but overrepparttar 110921 years, I developed an eye for knowing whether a couple was going to make it or not. There was just something aboutrepparttar 110922 wayrepparttar 110923 bride and groom related to each other—the look in their eyes and their body language—that offered clues as to how their marriage was going to turn out.

Then one afternoon, while our band was playing for a large reception in a small town ballroom, I casually looked acrossrepparttar 110924 vast sea of people. My glance moved from table to table, until I sawrepparttar 110925 bride and groom, sitting alone in a corner. They were sitting in total ease, holding hands, saying nothing.

Her flowing white dress and his tuxedo seemed out of place, but their happiness and comfort with each other was totally apparent. There was no question that those two people belonged together. They would’ve been sitting there in those same two chairs, still holding hands in exactlyrepparttar 110926 same way, if they’d been wearing blue jeans and overalls at someone else’s reception.

Get a Prenuptial Agreement before Your Next Marriage

Written by Jeffrey Broobin

While signing a prenuptial agreement can be one ofrepparttar all-time romantic turnoffs, for people heading into their second marriage, a prenuptial agreement can giverepparttar 110917 trade-off of a better relationship throughrepparttar 110918 security of financial and life planning.

A prenuptial agreement is a legal contract between two people about to marry, specifying how assets will be distributed inrepparttar 110919 event of divorce or death. A prenuptial agreement is a good idea, even if you aren’t rich or own a home. It saves future arguments and can even save you money.

A prenuptial agreement requires that each partner prepare an inventory of assets owned beforerepparttar 110920 marriage, and it allows you to establish your separate priorities about those assets.

Even if you do nothing more than that in your prenuptial agreement, this gives children from a previous marriage a chance to have half of that property and establish what belonged to Mom or Dad beforerepparttar 110921 second marriage, and it establishes what you're taking with you should you leaverepparttar 110922 marriage."

Statistically, second or third marriages are more likely to result in divorce than first-time unions. Because of this, a prenuptial agreement is an especially wise idea.

•A prenup is important if one of you is wealthier thanrepparttar 110923 other. •If you have assets such as a house, stock or retirement funds, you should have a prenup. •A prenuptial agreement is essential if you own part or all of a business. •A prenup can discuss your wishes if you may be receiving an inheritance. •If you have relatives who need to be taken care of, such as disabled children or elderly parents, a prenuptial agreement is very important. •If you expect to receive a big increase in income because of a growing business, a prenuptial agreement can address this issue. •A prenuptial agreement is essential if you have children and/or grandchildren from a previous marriage.

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