Jump Start Your Network

Written by Julie Chance

Jump Start Your Network with People You Already Know

By Julie Chance Networking is often identified as a key business building activity for small business owners, especially those just getting started. Often we think of networking as meeting as many new people as possible. However often, as was pointed out to me following a recent presentation I gave on networking, we overlook a key group of people as we set out to develop our network. And that is those people we already know.

Incorporatingrepparttar people you already know into your networking activities is crucial because you already have a relationship with them.

They are people with whom you already have credibility. They already knowrepparttar 139670 quality of your work.

Therefore, you don’t have to go throughrepparttar 139671 relationship and credibility building stages before these contacts are willing to do business with you or recommend you to others.

Many ofrepparttar 139672 people you already know may be people you haven’t spoken with in awhile and most certainly if you are just getting started with your business, they have known you in another context. So how do you begin to develop an active network of these individuals?

Develop a list. Start by developing a list of everyone you have worked for inrepparttar 139673 past, everyone who has worked for you, and those people you have worked with. If it does not raise legal or ethical issues, consider clients or customers you have worked with in former positions. Include family, friends and associates from other activities that you have participated in such as civic organizations, church or social/hobby groups. Go through your address book, bothrepparttar 139674 one you currently use and any old ones you might have lying around; review membership lists of any organizations you belong to; if you have phone directories for any companies you used to work for or client listings from these companies review those.

Prioritizerepparttar 139675 list. If you are like most people, your list will probably be pretty long and it may seem like a daunting task to begin reconnecting and re-establishing relationships with those you are no longer in contact with. Prioritizerepparttar 139676 list with those who are most likely to have a need for your services or know someone who is likely to have a need atrepparttar 139677 top.

Gather contact information. It is likely that you have lost touch with at least some ofrepparttar 139678 individuals on your list. Who do you have contact information for that might be able to provide you with a current telephone number or e-mail address for someone else on your list? The process of collecting contact information for those you have lost contact with is a great way to beginrepparttar 139679 process of reconnecting with those on your list that you do know how to reach.

Market research – how good is the data?

Written by Martin Day

"Make money for taking surveys"," Cash for your opinion", "Make easy money at home".

Everywhere you look there is a company willing to pay people to participate in their surveys. It seems like a win win situation,repparttar participants get paid for providing their opinion,repparttar 139614 market research company gets paid for conductingrepparttar 139615 research andrepparttar 139616 companies, that fundrepparttar 139617 research, gathers valuable data.

But, how valuable is that data?

Well run surveys are still vital to those companies who wish to research a market and obtain feedback on particular products or services. Many people are willing to express an opinion, and a small incentive like a chance to win a prize or a small payment is often all that is required to encourage people to give up their time and participate.

For years market research companies have assembled groups of participants into survey pools or survey panels, groups of people willing to provide an opinion on a range of subjects. Often incentives of nominal value were offered as a 'thank you' forrepparttar 139618 participant's time; howeverrepparttar 139619 explosion of 'paid for taking surveys' websites has spawned a new profession -repparttar 139620 professional survey participant (PSP).

For companies that are relying on market research generated by panels of PSP'srepparttar 139621 question they must ask is how flawed isrepparttar 139622 data that they are relying on? Doesrepparttar 139623 average PSP represent a cross section of society or a niche? What social group do they really belong to and is it smart for a company to base research on groups of people that are willing to comment part time, and sometimes, full time, on anything and everything?

Not all panels should be tarnished with a negative brush after all customer and employee surveys to name just two rely on a survey pool. However, customers and employees are to some degree stakeholders in a company's research, by participating customers will benefit from better products and services, employees will be able to voice concerns and help make improvements to working conditions and methods, more importantlyrepparttar 139624 views ofrepparttar 139625 customer andrepparttar 139626 employee are valuable. Likewise panels that are made up of hand picked participants chosen for their knowledge, expertise and experience are equally valid and in some cases a necessity.

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