Journaling - A Key to Joy

Written by Diann Cannon

Are you interested in finding your authentic voice? Would you like to be more confident? Doesrepparttar sound of personal freedom tickle your fancy? Would you like to learn more about yourself in a very compassionate way? Do you suspect there may be treasures hidden inside you that so far you've been unable to identify and put to use? Are you looking for a way to systematically make positive changes in your life? Is there a book or an invention inside you just crying to be made manifest? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, read on.


The Write Way to Self-Discovery... Who are your heroes? Who arerepparttar 129515 people you've read or heard about whose stories stay with you, inspire you? Have you wondered how they were able to achieve greatness? For me, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin andrepparttar 129516 explorers, Lewis and Clark, strike a chord. And I am struck byrepparttar 129517 fact that all of them kept a journal.

The question is, "Did these men start journaling after they became famous, or did they become famous after they started journaling?" I don't know for sure, but because of my own experience, I believe that journaling helped to guide their journeys - both outer and inner.

When I first began my quest to discover who I am, I found journaling quite painful. I was angry. By giving myself permission to write about my feelings, I openedrepparttar 129518 floodgates. Repressed and pent-up emotions spilled out ontorepparttar 129519 page. These outpourings gradually transformed over time. As I grew in understanding of myself, I was prompted to change some of my bad habits.

Creating the Life You Desire with Ten Daily Habits

Written by Diann Cannon

Do you have a plan to get from where you are to where you want to be? Do you have allrepparttar skills you need to get that promotion or that raise you want? Do you make time forrepparttar 129512 people who are important to you? Are you excited about your future, or do you just want to "stoprepparttar 129513 world so you can get off"?

The secret to havingrepparttar 129514 life you desire is hidden in your daily routine. Asrepparttar 129515 saying goes, "if you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten". In issue #2, I discussedrepparttar 129516 importance of planning as a factor in achieving your goals. As part of your planning, I suggested incorporatingrepparttar 129517 "ten habits" in your schedule. In this issue I am going to focus onrepparttar 129518 ten habits and how they can help you realize your dreams. To find out more, please read on...

At heart we are all creatures of habit. To change our lives, we must change our routines. As many psychological studies and best-selling self-help books have shown us, successful people have different habits than unsuccessful people. For us to live our lives torepparttar 129519 fullest, we must adopt those thoughts and actions that serve us and let go of those that don't.

How can we do that? My own experience has taught me thatrepparttar 129520 practice ofrepparttar 129521 ten daily habits can be a strong foundation for growth and a powerful catalyst for change. The idea is simple; identify new habits that will enhance some area of your life - health, career, relationships, spirituality, etc. - and select ten of them to incorporate in your daily schedule. People often say, "I can't add one more thing to my day; I'm too busy already." I would ask, "Does that busyness bring yourepparttar 129522 results you want?" Perhapsrepparttar 129523 changes you need to make are more about "how" than "what" you do. Or, maybe you are holding on to an activity that is no longer in line with your goals or values. No one said change is easy, but remember "if you keep doing what you've always done..."

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