Joseph Campbell

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Atrepparttar start ofrepparttar 137954 US involvement in WWII Joseph Campbell was put inrepparttar 137955 position of having to defend culture and truth rather than go along withrepparttar 137956 crazed nationalism and outright invasion of so many public institutions through all manner of propaganda. He ended up being accused of being a Nazi by many who should have known better. The Bollingen Foundation was backed by Mellon family money and it sought to establish an integrative disciplinary approach includingrepparttar 137957 mystical precepts of Mircae Eliade and Carl Jung. It was a truly good effort that still brings culture and Brotherhood values throughrepparttar 137958 many books they published. Their efforts at Eranos deserve close attention for any scholar seeking to understandrepparttar 137959 positive side ofrepparttar 137960 old-money families or elites. I wonder ifrepparttar 137961 Elite sometimes do demonstrate a beneficent paternalism when I see these good efforts. The speech that follows stands as true or truer today, than when he gave it torepparttar 137962 ladies at Sarah Lawrence College, where he was a professor. “Permanent Human Values

I have been asked to tell you what seem to me to be some ofrepparttar 137963 important things—permanently human—which men are likely to forget during hours of a severe political crisis.

Permanent things, of course, do not have to be fought for—they are permanent. We are not their creators and defenders. Rather—it is our privilege (our privilege as individuals: our privilege as nations) to experience them. And it is our private loss if we neglect them. We may fight for our right to experience these values. Butrepparttar 137964 fight must not be conducted on a public battlefield. This fight must be conducted inrepparttar 137965 individual mind. Public conquerors are frequentlyrepparttar 137966 losers in this secret struggle.

Permanent things, furthermore, are not possessed exclusively byrepparttar 137967 democracies; not exclusively even byrepparttar 137968 Western world.

My theme, therefore, forbids me to be partial torepparttar 137969 war-cries ofrepparttar 137970 day. I respect my theme, and I shall try to do it justice. I am not competent to speak of every permanent human value. I shall confine myself, therefore, to those which have been my special disciplinarians: those associated withrepparttar 137971 Way of Knowledge.

Which of these are likely to be forgotten duringrepparttar 137972 hours of a severe political crisis? All of them, I should say. I think that everything which does not serverepparttar 137973 most immediate economic and political ends is likely to be forgotten.

I think, inrepparttar 137974 first place, thatrepparttar 137975 critical objectivity ofrepparttar 137976 student of society is likely to be forgotten—either forgotten or suppressed. For example: The president of Columbia University has declared thatrepparttar 137977 present conflict is a war ‘between beasts and human beings, between brutal force and kindly helpfulness,’ Yet Columbia professors laboriously taught, duringrepparttar 137978 twenties and thirties something aboutrepparttar 137979 duties of objective intelligence inrepparttar 137980 face of sensational propaganda: and no educated gentleman can possibly believe thatrepparttar 137981 British Empire orrepparttar 137982 French Empire orrepparttar 137983 American Empire was unselfishly founded in ‘kindly helpfulness.’ without gunpowder or without perfectly obscene brutality.

It is not surprising, of course, that there should be a strain of opportunism in those public gentlemen who are in a position to tellrepparttar 137984 multitude what to think; but that our universities—those institutions which have plumed themselves in their dignified objectivity—should begin now to fling aboutrepparttar 137985 gutter-slogans of our newspaper cartoons, seems to be a calamity ofrepparttar 137986 first order.

Perhaps our students must prepare themselves to remember (without any support for our institutions of higher learning) that there are two sides to every argument, that every government since governments began, has claimed to representrepparttar 137987 special blessings ofrepparttar 137988 heavenly realm, that every man (even an enemy) is human, and that no empire (not even a merchant empire) is founded on ‘kindly helpfulness.’

When there was no crisis onrepparttar 137989 horizon, we were told that objectivity was a good. Now that something seems to threaten our markets—or to threaten perhaps even more than that—we are warned (and this by still another of our university presidents) thatrepparttar 137990 real fifth-columnist in this country isrepparttar 137991 critical intellectual. What kind of leaders are these men, anyhow?—snorting through one nostril aboutrepparttar 137992 book-burnings in Germany, wheezing throughrepparttar 137993 other at critical intelligences in our own Republic?

Inrepparttar 137994 second place we are in danger of neglectingrepparttar 137995 apparently useless work ofrepparttar 137996 disinterested scientist and historian. Yet if there is one jewel inrepparttar 137997 crown of Western Civilization which deserves to take a place besiderepparttar 137998 finest jewels of Asia, it isrepparttar 137999 jewel cut by these extraordinary men. Their images ofrepparttar 138000 cosmos and ofrepparttar 138001 course of earthly history are as majestic asrepparttar 138002 Oriental theories of involution and evolution. But these images are by no meansrepparttar 138003 exclusive creation, or even property, of democracies. Many ofrepparttar 138004 indispensable works which you must read, if you are to participate inrepparttar 138005 study of these images, have not even been translated into democratic tongues. Let me say, therefore, that any serious student of history or science who permitsrepparttar 138006 passions of this hour to turn her away from German is a fool. Whatever may berepparttar 138007 language for hemisphere defense, German, French and English arerepparttar 138008 languages of scholarship and science. (Biblio: At Sarah Lawrence, as at many schools and universities, German and Italian were being eliminated fromrepparttar 138009 curriculum, as if somehowrepparttar 138010 boycott ofrepparttar 138011 language would enforce some kind of sanction onrepparttar 138012 country or its political leaders. It was probably this practice Campbell was decrying.) German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Scandinavian, English, Irish, Polish, Russian, Swiss, Christian, Pagan, Atheist, and Jewish have beenrepparttar 138013 workers in these spheres. Chauvinism has no place here. The work is international and human. Consequently, whenever there is a resurgence ofrepparttar 138014 nationalisms and animalisms of war, scientist and scholar have to cork themselves tightly in. They are not anti-social parasites and slackers when they do this. It is with them that Western Culture, as opposed to Western Empire, will survive.

Making Mother’s Day Special

Written by Marguerite Bonneville

How many times have you heard a friend say about someone who’s no longer here, “I never got to tell her (or him) how much I really cared.”

We’ve all felt this way at some stage about someone in our lives. Yet it’s hard to sit down and tell a person face to face exactly what they mean to you. Perhaps it feels a little artificial, or you’re not comfortable expressing yourself so directly. But there is a way to convey those feelings in a manner that’s comfortable to you both.

This Mother’s Day, write a personal note to your mother telling her what she’s contributed to your life. Make this a time to put aside your differences (or grievances) and search forrepparttar positives in your relationship.

Here’s a step-by-step approach to composing your message:

1.Set aside some time as soon as possible to start making notes. If you leave yourself a few days to work on this, you’ll find that your subconscious mind will start searching for more examples of your mother’s gifts to you. So assign it this task and don’t be surprised if you start remembering events you haven’t thought of in decades.

2.Your first list will be of your mother’s positive qualities, many of which you will hopefully have modeled. For example, is she patient, kind, gentle, forthright, accepting, questioning, assertive, accommodating? Even behaviors like carping or nagging can be seen in a positive light (she’s persistent or concerned). Or you can leave them offrepparttar 136595 list. Does she have a good sense of humor, a knack for making other people feel at ease, a way of persuading others to dorepparttar 136596 right thing? Is she a good listener, a good hostess, a great organizer? Look atrepparttar 136597 way she handles her mothering role, as well asrepparttar 136598 other roles she plays in her life. How does she juggle it all? What does she love? Do you share these passions?

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