Join the Famous Losers Club

Written by Carole Pagan

Joinrepparttar Famous Losers Club Carole Pagan (C) 2003

Feeling Frustrated?

Tired of people looking at you with pity or disgust?

Feel like you just don't fit in anywhere?

Good. You are destined for success.

Here are some people who you may have heard of that facedrepparttar 123561 same thing.

Abraham Lincoln Fred Astaire Stephen King Sylvester Stalone Thomas Edison Cornel Sanders

How about J.K. Rowling, author ofrepparttar 123562 Harry Potter books? Did you know that she wroterepparttar 123563 first book in a coffee shop? After she gotrepparttar 123564 kids off to school she would head down torepparttar 123565 coffee shop because she couldn't afford heat.

No one thought any of these people would ever make it. And there are thousands more of these stories.

Uncommon success comes from uncommon perseverance. You can only muster that perseverance if you truly love what you are doing. Take a good look at what you are trying to accomplish. Are you doing what you are doing because that's really what YOU want to do?

Do It Now

Written by Donald Schnell

Do it Now!

Procrastination has to berepparttar public enemy number one. It is a career killer.

It seems like an easy enough problem to overcome, doesn't it?

When you have something to do, do it now! This idea isn't new, intellectually challenging or in any way detrimental to your health or well being.

But, are you usingrepparttar 123560 “do it now” philosophy? Are you creatingrepparttar 123561 habit of 'do it now”? The “do it now” habit is a universally accepted foundation of success. You will not find any success author selling, “Do it Tomorrow!” as a way to success.”

You can't argue withrepparttar 123562 soundness of this philosophy if you desire success and personal achievement.

Most people have no difficulty with acceptingrepparttar 123563 idea,repparttar 123564 problem lies withrepparttar 123565 implementation. Right now you have something on your desk that needs your attention. It is a psychic weight that is hanging over you and compromising your ability to bring your full attention torepparttar 123566 other matters at hand. When you finish this e-mail you will be able to tackle it and remove it from your life.

Imagine how much better you are going to feel, knowing this problem is now out of your life?

Why procrastinate? Why do we do it, in spite ofrepparttar 123567 nervous tension we feel when we delay?

I believe you need to resetrepparttar 123568 switch within your subconscious that is purposely turned off torepparttar 123569 task. You may have feed your mind unconscious suggestions thatrepparttar 123570 task is going to be unpleasant. And guess what? Your subconscious is making it so.

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