Join me, I'm a failure too!

Written by Gary J Kidd

Article: Join Me, I'm a failure too!

Word Count 605

by Gary J Kidd http:/

Whether you realise it not, every time you send out an email, or place a Classified Ad, subscribe to an Ezine, you are sending out a message about yourself each and every time.

There is one thing that stands out more than anything else from your emails!

It is your email address!

If you are running your online business using a Free Email Address, you are sending out a message to all who receive it. You are telling them certain things by using a Free Email Account.

1. I am a complete amateur and new at this. 2. I am losing money like 95% of those online. 3. I can't afford a paid email account. 4. If you reply to this it will probably bounce. 5. This is my junk email account in which I receive 500 emails a day. 6. This online stuff is great so let's give it a go and see what happens.

So, which one refers to you?

A Professional appearance in your online business is essential. An online business is no different from running an offline business. So why treat it any different.

If you had an offline business and needed to visit people to make sales, would you go in t-shirt and jeans?

Millions of people each day buy goods from Catalogues. These are well presented, with glossy photos inside to makerepparttar goods more attractive. You probably buy stuff from them yourself.

But, would you buy from it if, it came to you as photo copied paper, black and white photos, and bound together by hand to look like it was home produced? Of course not.

But allrepparttar 100924 time you are using a Free Email account to run your Online Business, you are doing exactly that!

Nearly all Junk email and SPAM comes from Free Email Accounts. Why? Because they are throw away.

Are Internet Marketing Seminars, Conferences And Workshops Worth the money?

Written by Willie Crawford

I just came back fromrepparttar Internet Marketing Power Workshop and wanted to sharerepparttar 100923 experience with you. Part ofrepparttar 100924 reason I wanted to do this is because I am sure many of you wonder about repparttar 100925 real value of all ofrepparttar 100926 workshops, seminars, and conferences you see advertised. I attended as a speaker/instructor, but also because I knew I could, and did, learn a lot from all ofrepparttar 100927 other instructors.

I've seen these seminars advertised since I first came on-line in 1996. Most ofrepparttar 100928 time I reasoned that they were just trying to sell me "stuff" and that I couldn't afford to go. So I haven't attended very many! I attended this one primarily becauserepparttar 100929 workshop was set up to generate its own product and because I wanted to bounce some ideas off of a few attendees. We recorded all ofrepparttar 100930 sessions, and all ofrepparttar 100931 presenters, and all ofrepparttar 100932 attendees got reprint rights to a really valuable product.

But what isrepparttar 100933 real value of these events, and should you consider going to some inrepparttar 100934 future? All ofrepparttar 100935 attendees at this workshop got to "rub elbows withrepparttar 100936 likes of Jonathan Mizel, Carl Galletti, Armand Morin and a number of others who earned and continue to earn millions on-line. I honestly felt that just brainstorming and bouncing ideas off of these people was worthrepparttar 100937 workshop fee many times over. We spend so much time discussing our on-line business ideas with those who have experienced relatively little success. Talking torepparttar 100938 mega-successfuls redefines our frame of reference.

There's something invigorating about talking to someone who hired a freelance coder to design a piece of software, which he then sold millions of dollars worth - in weeks. That's what Armand Morin did, and having him explain step-by-step how he did it lets you see that you really can too. There's still plenty of room for new software packages. Most of us just need some confirmation thatrepparttar 100939 task is not too big for us. Armand proved how easy it really is and even tells where and how to negotiate with programmers. He's so "real" that any marketer attending repparttar 100940 conference who doesn't release a piece of software overrepparttar 100941 next year doesn't really want to be successful.

Ramon Williamson masterfully confirmed how easy it is to build a software empire - andrepparttar 100942 value of a good coach. He presented success stories who went from obscurity to software giants in weeks. It's bogglesrepparttar 100943 mind what can be done with a little guidance and prodding.

Many people who are building on-line businesses actually don't want to succeed. They are afraid of success. They have pre-conceived notions of what they can accomplish - of "how high they can jump." Networking with others who are just like you and who lend you support, encouragement and even a helping hand is what I discovered these seminars and workshops to be about. They enable attendees to shake offrepparttar 100944 limitations that unwitting family members convince us are all we're capable of becoming.

I listened to Jonathan Mizel tell exactly how he generates millions of hits to his sites every month - often without any cost or risk. I think every person inrepparttar 100945 audience who heard Jonathan's presentation said to themselves, that's really simple. It was brilliant, but really simple and can easily be done by any webmaster. Jonathan also told how he regularly sends out millions of emails to opt-in lists. He freely shared where to go and how to approach list owners to get your message in front of incredible audiences.

Bob Silber demonstrated that he really knows his stuff when it comes to internet law and torepparttar 100946 role of international law. His presentation was extremely eye-opening. I think that every webmaster inrepparttar 100947 audience started implementing many ofrepparttar 100948 tips that Bob passed along, before they even leftrepparttar 100949 workshop. Many ofrepparttar 100950 things that we do open us up to very costly law suits, and most online business people don't even know how exposed they are. It's both frightening and eye-opening. Many ofrepparttar 100951 international agreements our countries are partners to directly apply to our web businesses. Just this knowledge maderepparttar 100952 workshop worthwhile. Bob gained a number of new clients, include me :-)

"Ordinary people" like Marty Foley, Frank Garon, and "yours truly" showedrepparttar 100953 audience how earning $100,000 to $200,000 a year is incredibly simple. It just takes doing a few things right and it doesn't mean changing who you are. Frank is an former truck driver with a winning style with his ezine audience. Marty has testing down to such an exact science that everyone held him in awe. He tests everything and I've already implemented a few tips that he passed along.... and it has already increased my conversion rates.

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