Job Interviews -- How to Follow Up Effectively

Written by Mary Brent

Getting a job is not just about your performance in an interview. The post-interview follow up you do has a critical role in a successful job hunt. Here's how to do it effectively.

Onrepparttar day ofrepparttar 147772 interview or at mostrepparttar 147773 next day, send a thank you note to each ofrepparttar 147774 interviewers. Apart from saying that you're keen to take uprepparttar 147775 job, mention two or three of your key strengths or skills that are directly useful forrepparttar 147776 position.

Duringrepparttar 147777 interview, you should find out how soon they plan to have a person in place. Ask "In what timeframe do you expect to make a decision?" That'll give you an idea about how much time is involved.

Schedule your follow-up depending on this information. Ifrepparttar 147778 interviewer says they'll make a decision in two to three months' time, it makes no sense to follow up daily or even weekly.

Keep common sense in mind. If you wererepparttar 147779 interviewer, would you like to receive three calls a day from a candidate? You certainly won't. Onrepparttar 147780 other hand, don't go torepparttar 147781 other extreme and not follow up for a month either.

Follow up withrepparttar 147782 right person. That means, talk torepparttar 147783 decision maker. If you're following up with someone who's got little influence overrepparttar 147784 hiring decision, you're wasting your time.

Think aboutrepparttar 147785 kind of job and organization you're targeting. Doesrepparttar 147786 job demand aggression and initiative? If so, you may actually be required to follow up in a persistent manner before you're extended a job offer.

Job Interviews -- The Real Reasons Why You Need to Follow Up

Written by Mary Brent

Effective follow-up after a job interview is often a key reason why someone gets a job, even though there are other equally qualified candidates. Many candidates treat follow up as an optional add-on to their job search. Read on to see why that's just notrepparttar case.

There are several reasons why you should follow up.

Sometimes, out of sight is really out of mind. Your phone call or letter can helprepparttar 147771 interviewer remember you over other candidates.

We like to believe that hiring decisions are made logically and not influenced by extraneous considerations like whether you follow-up. In practice, that's rarelyrepparttar 147772 case, as most executives involved in recruitment will tell you.

Following up will ensure top-of-mind recall. That is sometime enough to give you an edge overrepparttar 147773 competition.

Also consider that while getting a job may be a top priority for you, hiring a new hand might be a very urgent need forrepparttar 147774 employer. Even if it is a priority forrepparttar 147775 organization, it might get lost in allrepparttar 147776 day-to-day firesrepparttar 147777 decision maker has to deal with. A phone call from you might be what it takes to giverepparttar 147778 decision higher priority.

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