Job Hunting Tips #4 Accepting Judgment

Written by Virginia Bola, PsyD

Applying for work is stressful, no matterrepparttar circumstances. Even if you are already working, and merely looking to see what else is out there, you still want to be offeredrepparttar 101446 position. If you realize, half way through an interview, that you would be miserable working for this company and you wouldn't let your dog takerepparttar 101447 job, you still want it to be offered. Ifrepparttar 101448 hours are unsuitable,repparttar 101449 job duties demeaning, andrepparttar 101450 salary a joke, you still want to be made an offer.

Why is it so important to us to have an offer made which we already know we will reject?

It is important because we are aware that we are being judged. We talk about skills and experience and prior accomplishments but that has already been outlined in a resume. A face-to-face interview is forrepparttar 101451 purpose of judging you as a person: Will you fit in? How do you express yourself? How do you look? Are you pleasant to have around? Are you likable?

If a job offer is made, we feel validated and worthwhile - they liked us. We never think "He really didn't like me but my skills are so great." We want to be liked, we want to be wanted, we want to be appreciated for what we are.

If no job offer is forthcoming, we take it personally: "I guess they didn't like me." Regardless of our whether our skills were a fit, our salary inrepparttar 101452 ballpark, or our experience applicable, we feel a personal failure. The negative messages of a lifetime, stored in our brain, start playing: "I'm just not good enough. I'm worthless. People don't like me. Why do I always mess up? I'm such a failure. Why can't I be more like . . . "

Unemployment Blues: Downward Mobility

Written by Virginia Bola, PsyD

Allrepparttar indicators show an improving economy and, finally,repparttar 101445 start of job growth. More than eight million unemployed workers see hope aroundrepparttar 101446 corner and re-enterrepparttar 101447 nightmare of job search with increased enthusiasm andrepparttar 101448 positive outlook they lost six months ago when they virtually gave up on ever finding a good position.

What do they find?

Service jobs: customer service, hospitality, tourism, food, travel, entry-level healthcare, retail. What are these jobs offering? 30%, 50%, 75% less income thanrepparttar 101449 old manufacturing jobs which have moved to foreign countries. Where arerepparttar 101450 benefits,repparttar 101451 insurance,repparttar 101452 paid holidays, retirement plans? Where haverepparttar 101453 stability, seniority system and regular raises gone?

It is a new world, an evolving economy, a changed future. Everything will work out, government forecasters confidently predict. With tax reductions continuing,repparttar 101454 economy will expand and thousands of high-tech, highly compensated positions will be created. Keeprepparttar 101455 faith, job seekers are advised -- this isrepparttar 101456 United States where innovation and entrepreneurship always prevail and life gets better and better.

Keep mouthingrepparttar 101457 platitudes and perhapsrepparttar 101458 50 year-old former auto worker with an eleventh grade education orrepparttar 101459 60 year-old dislocated engineer with outdated job skills and high blood pressure will actually start to believe it. At least until they return to active job search and encounterrepparttar 101460 real, notrepparttar 101461 hypothetical/political, labor market. That is whenrepparttar 101462 true economic progression of twenty-first Century America emerges: an increasing number of millionaires, an increasing number of entry-level, low paid workers, and a great middle class vacuum.

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