Job Hunting Tips: Time Management

Written by Virginia Bola, PsyD

There is an old adage that "Looking for a job is harder than working." How true! The rigors of job search are magnified byrepparttar turmoil we experience: lack of self-confidence, humiliation, financial pressure, andrepparttar 107094 undercurrent of emotions that color all we do: fear, anger, depression, anxiety, loss. One practical step we can take to lowerrepparttar 107095 stress and conserve our energy for finding work, not feeding our bloated worries, is to manage our time effectively. Have you ever noticed that you get more chores done when you're busy? If time is limited, we squeeze in those extra demands because we know they have to get done by a deadline and we fear putting them off. When time is unlimited, such as when you take a few days off work, there is no pressure to rush-"I've got four days, I'll do it tomorrow." Suddenly, you are back at work and realize that you didn't accomplish half of what you had planned. This lack of structure is magnified when you are unemployed. There is no pressure to get up, get dressed, get out ofrepparttar 107096 house by a specific time. We know we have things to do. We need to update our resume, create some new cover letters, research some possible job openings. It is so hard to get started because we hate having to do it, we don't feel creative or excited aboutrepparttar 107097 whole prospect, and we dread having to go throughrepparttar 107098 horrors of interviewing. We procrastinate, telling ourselves that when we are ready, it will just "flow." For a few hours, a few days, we'll just indulge ourselves and relax. Whenrepparttar 107099 end ofrepparttar 107100 month arrives and we compare our diminishing bank balance to our multiplying bills, we mentally beat ourselves up for not having accomplished what we had so earnestly intended. Now we generate our own pressure, magnified by guilt and self-reproach. Stress levels and blood pressure rise. We feel resentful, angry, depressed. "I didn't ask to get into this situation. It's unfair. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it." Adopting a reasonable schedule can avoid reaching this point. Try these ideas: 1.Take a day to do nothing but plan out what you are going to do, and when.

Unemployment Blues: Losing Ourselves

Written by Virginia Bola, PsyD

When we lose our jobs, no matterrepparttar reason, we lose a big part of our identity. Think ofrepparttar 107093 last several times you met new people. After names are exchanged and polite comments made on whatever event you are attending,repparttar 107094 question quickly arises: "What do you do?"

It's a pleasant starting point for conversation and usually gives rise to many questions or a lively discussion. It also allows us to measure and preliminarily judge each other. Until we really start to know someone as an individual, we tend to deal in broad generalizations and stereotypes. By learning what work a stranger performs, we start making assumptions about their values: education, social ranking, work ethic, and personal priorities. Meet someone and talk for a while and unconsciously you are assessing and categorizing, much based on occupational data. Meet a custodian, a plumber, a nurse, or an attorney. Notwithstanding your actual conversation, you have made character judgments that may have little basis in reality but which allows you to fit that person in a suitable niche in your mental organization.

When I can no longer say proudly "I'm a mechanic" or "I am a computer operator" my self-esteem plummets. Meet a stranger and admit that I am unemployed, perhaps have been for an extended period of time, and I watch my stature diminish in your eyes. I can talk about what I used to do but I feel somehow tainted and incomplete. I talk too much about why I have no job because I want you to realize that it's not my fault, that I really want to work, that there's nothing wrong with me.

The scourge of unemployment is what it does to our minds. We may have watched as our position moved overseas. We may have sensed that our department was running over budget. We may have known thatrepparttar 107095 company was seeking to cut costs. But unlessrepparttar 107096 entire company closed down, or relocated out of state, we believe in our hearts that we were selected for lay off, over someone else, for a reason. And, being human and vulnerable, we blame ourselves.

Who has ever been terminated, even from a job you don't particularly like, without ruminating over what you could have done differently which might have changedrepparttar 107097 final outcome. "I should have . . . worked Saturdays to do that extra project, been more willing to trainrepparttar 107098 boss's idiot son, socialized more withrepparttar 107099 in-crowd." Whatever it is, you feel guilty. "If I had handled things differently, my family wouldn't be sufferingrepparttar 107100 way they are." You feel not quite good enough, not up to par. Your negative mental tapes start replaying in your head and you start generalizing about yourself and your lack of worth. You remind yourself of allrepparttar 107101 negative things you've done in life and look at yourself as a failure "Why do I always blow it?"

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