I’ve Got An Article To Submit, Now What Do I Do With It? (6 Tips)

Written by Jason DeVelvis

You submit it, that’s what you do! And submit it to as many article directories as you can. (More submissions = more exposure) But if you’re not up for submitting your article manually to over 100 sites, you should pick up a copy of ArticleAnnouncer. (http://www.GetArticleAnnouncer.com) It will submit your site to a ton of article directories, and you won’t have to do much work at all! If you plan on writing articles to increase your traffic, you NEED ArticleAnnouncer. It’s worth every penny. Or, you can submit torepparttar top 5 sites: (I want to stress that you should submit your articles to as many sites as possible in order to getrepparttar 150161 most traffic and publicity)

http://www.EzineArticles.com http://www.Content-Articles.com http://www.ArticleDepot.co.uk http://www.ArticlesFactory.com http://www.GoArticles.com.

If you want to submit by hand, and want to submit to more thanrepparttar 150162 5 sites listed above, head to http://www.arcanaweb.com/resources/article-directories.html and there’s a list of 100 (as ofrepparttar 150163 date this article was submitted). However, not all article sites are created equally. Here are my 6 tips of things to look for when you’re choosing which directories to submit to.

Tip #1 – Make surerepparttar 150164 site allows for SEO - Do they allow you to choose your own keywords? Ifrepparttar 150165 directory doesn’t allow you to choose keywords, you could possibly lose some SE traffic because of untargeted or less-targeted results. Entering your own keywords also helps with searches withinrepparttar 150166 site, ifrepparttar 150167 search operates on keywords.

- Do they put your keywords and article summary into meta tags? Yet again, this ability is great for SEO. It allowsrepparttar 150168 search engines to index your article more effectively, giving yourepparttar 150169 best traffic you can get to your article.

- Dorepparttar 150170 major search engines indexrepparttar 150171 site regularly? If a site isn’t indexed regularly, your article will take awhile to show up in search results. Not a huge deal, but it could delay some traffic.

Tip #2 – Make surerepparttar 150172 site offers RSS feeds - Do they allow your article's content to be syndicated? RSS Syndication is a big thing right now, because it makes it very easy for another site to feature your article’s title, body, and author. If a site doesn’t offer RSS, you may not want to waste your time posting there, as you probably won’t get as much traffic from them.

- Is syndication by category only, or can more parameters be submitted? Some sites allowrepparttar 150173 RSS feeds to be customized by category only. Others allow syndication by any combination of category, submission date, and author. This is very beneficial to you, because 1) your article could remain on a syndicated “archives” page, whererepparttar 150174 site getsrepparttar 150175 specific date RSS feed, and 2) you can have all of your work syndicated – sites can choose to be fed only your articles!

Farm Expired Listings For Big Commissions

Written by Lanard Perry

Many real estate agents begin and sometimes sadly end their careers without a plan. And asrepparttar saying goes, failing to plan is as good as planning to fail.

Sure, some dorepparttar 150160 usual and expected things to cultivate new business, like mailing letters and post cards to friends and relatives, phoning acquaintances, and giving out business cards to any and everybody they meet.

Heck, some are courageous enough to "cold call" prospects,repparttar 150161 most dreaded of all tasks! And while all of these activities are good things to do, they don't necessarily translate into new business opportunities - now or later!

And while these may be good strategies you need more. But instead of working harder why not work smarter?

The most successful Realtors and Real Estate Agents have "lead generating systems." Some Farm Expired Listings for huge profits.

A good listing system can: ojump start new or average real estate sales career obring in real estate listings on a regular basis; week after week ogenerate prospective buyers and sellers ogive you marketing exposure in months rather than years oposition you to knowrepparttar 150162 best real estate investment buys

Personally, I love Expired Listing Systems and their laser beam like focus on warm, responsive sellers. Sellers that are typically still Realtor friendly, eager to sell and will do what it takes to get their properties sold.

Owners of expired listings are motivated for many reasons; double mortgages, vacant properties, terrible tenants, recently married and combining households, recently divorced and liquidating real estate assets, and on and on.

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