It’s Genocide…and Exploitation, Too

Written by Carla Ballatan

Civil war in Sudan has been going on for years and years. Since 1956, when independence was granted torepparttar country, there has been war between its north and south regions. These borders were formed byrepparttar 113935 British government which had first dominated it.

It is said thatrepparttar 113936 conflict betweenrepparttar 113937 people’s religious beliefs drove this long-running civil war –repparttar 113938 radical Islam inrepparttar 113939 south andrepparttar 113940 non-Muslims versusrepparttar 113941 Christians and animists inrepparttar 113942 north. There was a period of 11 years of peace after a coup on 1969, but since 1983,repparttar 113943 Shar’ia Law was again imposed byrepparttar 113944 so-called “insidious infiltration” ofrepparttar 113945 Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, whose goal was to purify Islam, in 1983. The radical Islam inrepparttar 113946 south stuck to their beliefs ofrepparttar 113947 Shar’ia Law, a harsh Muslim Law that does not recognize other religious beliefs and limitsrepparttar 113948 status of women.

Since then, over 2 million have been killed and 5 million have been displaced at least once. Intense famine is affecting almost all ofrepparttar 113949 population.

However, I believe that there’s much more torepparttar 113950 genocide of Islam versus Christians, masked byrepparttar 113951 civil war in Sudan. At first glance, it’s as ifrepparttar 113952 Islam people are bloodthirsty murderers who slaughter even their own kin andrepparttar 113953 Christians are hapless victims. Evenrepparttar 113954 continuous reports of Christian aid workers in Khartoum being shot and injured are actually broadcasts to intensifyrepparttar 113955 religious warfare.

Posted on September 2, 2004 atrepparttar 113956 was another report of a Catholic aid worker from Belgium Caritas being shot and injured at Sudan’s Darfur region on September 1, 2004. The religion ofrepparttar 113957 victim was for allrepparttar 113958 world to know but surprisingly, his nationality was not revealed. I’m bothered with this kind of reports. These reports are fuellingrepparttar 113959 Christians’ hate againstrepparttar 113960 Islam and building uprepparttar 113961 Islam faith to a level of fixation just to assert their autonomy.

Is Moderate Drinking Good For You, Part 1

Written by Loring A,. Windblad

Copyright in this Compilation 2004 by and Loring Windblad. This article may be freely copied and used on other web sites only if it is copied complete with all links and text intact and unchanged except for minor improvements such as misspellings and typos.

For me this is going back 40 or so years, to my Aunt and Uncle. Aunty had a bad ticker and, on her doctor’s advice, took a shot of scotch every evening. Uncle Bud didn’t have any problem with “a shot” every night. Where Uncle Bud drewrepparttar line was her insistence on having 2 or even 3 “shots” every night. And Aunty’s “shots” were more like “ponys” than shots….an ounce and a half to two ounces rather than just one ounce! This is back inrepparttar 113934 early 1960’s. But….she did live an extra 10-12 years beyondrepparttar 113935 original “less than a year” prognosis, whichrepparttar 113936 doctor’s attributed torepparttar 113937 “kick-start” effect of those massive shots on her heart!

Additionally, sincerepparttar 113938 60’s and perhaps much earlier, it is often recommended that women take a glass of beer a day when pregnant because ofrepparttar 113939 added Vitamin D and other benefits. This is wholly contrary torepparttar 113940 concept that pregnant women should consume absolutely ZERO alcohol during pregnancy.

Let’s take a quick trip to Europe where, in Germany, they drink beer rather than water; in France and Italy and Spainrepparttar 113941 drink is wine rather than water. We’re talking people of all ages, from children up. Generally in Europerepparttar 113942 water is unsafe to drink unless boiled or bottled fromrepparttar 113943 store. And they have a lower heart disease and resultant stroke and especially heart attack problem thanrepparttar 113944 US and Canada.

So here’srepparttar 113945 big question: Will a glass of wine or a shot of vodka a day keeprepparttar 113946 doctor away?

A large body of evidence collected overrepparttar 113947 past few years shows that modest alcohol consumption can reduce deaths from coronary heart disease (CHD) in middle and old age. Since heart disease accounts for about half ofrepparttar 113948 deaths among older adults, it might seem that finding a way to cutrepparttar 113949 death rate would be greeted with joy by public health officials, who are always onrepparttar 113950 lookout for a means to prevent premature death.

However, we are not likely to see cheerful "have one forrepparttar 113951 heart" posters replacingrepparttar 113952 current warnings aboutrepparttar 113953 bad effects of alcohol. This is because, despite its benefits forrepparttar 113954 heart, most medical authorities considerrepparttar 113955 ill effects of alcohol too dire to recommend it as "heart medicine." The risks of injuries, assault and various health problems related to drinking are too great to suggest that non-drinkers start consuming alcohol to improve heart-health. These risks are present because most people can’t, or won’t, have “just one” – take my Aunty’s example for a case in point. Aunty, after two ponys (3 to 4 “1-ounce shots”) was about half looped. And if she had a third there wasn’t any “about” about it – she was very definitely loaded.

So what is this body of evidence showing about possible benefits of moderate alcohol intake as “cardioprotective” benefits? Studies from aroundrepparttar 113956 world show a consistent link between moderate alcohol consumption and decreased deaths from coronary heart disease, and in both sexes over age 35-40, but especially among middle aged men. Modest alcohol consumption seems to reduce risks of death from coronary disease by 40-50 per cent. This effect is termedrepparttar 113957 “cardioprotective” effect of moderate alcohol consumption. The benefits of modest alcohol intake hold true even for those who have had heart attacks or are at known risk for CHD.

Depending onrepparttar 113958 studies,repparttar 113959 heart protection occurs with alcohol consumptions of one to five drinks a day. But most studies showrepparttar 113960 heart-saving effects of alcohol peak at levels of two or fewer drinks a day, and that benefits plateau at three drinks per day. In fact,repparttar 113961 research suggests that as little as one drink every other day may confer heart-protecting effects in both sexes over age 35.

The downside here is that excessive consumption not only improvesrepparttar 113962 cardioprotective benefits but, even with modest drinking but in amounts over two daily drinks,repparttar 113963 possible benefits gained forrepparttar 113964 heart are negated byrepparttar 113965 bad health effects of alcohol – more falls, bruises, cuts, road injuries, violence, rising blood pressure, hemorrhagic (bleeding) stroke, liver cirrhosis and some types of cancer.

Now I, personally, from a lifetime (I’m 69 and counting) of observation on friends and relatives, including 4 years living inrepparttar 113966 heart of Europe (Orleans, France), am convinced ofrepparttar 113967 beneficial effects of moderate alcohol consumption. Never-the-less, one must remember that even moderate drinking can cause increases inrepparttar 113968 death rates from violence, trauma, fire, water and road injuries.

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