It’s Not Just About Dieting…

Written by Jan Nicholas

You may not like what I’m about to say, but dieting alone will not help you to lose weight. You have to give your bodyrepparttar exercise it needs. As I mentioned earlier, a couple of centuries ago, people were involved in a lot of manual labor.

This gave their bodies allrepparttar 148479 exercise that was needed. But due torepparttar 148480 changed life styles, most of us do not have to engage in strenuous work. Most of us sit in front of computers all day long or engage in other sedentary works.

It is because of this that exercise becomes crucial for weight loss. Generally people do not gain weight till their early twenties. But once they crossrepparttar 148481 25 mark, then visible signs of weight gain can be seen everywhere and inrepparttar 148482 mid section in particular.

There is something very important that you have to understand if you are really consideringrepparttar 148483 possibility of losing weight. You will have to consciously give your bodyrepparttar 148484 required exercise that it needs forrepparttar 148485 weight loss to be really effective.

Watching your diet alone is not going to yield results unless it is coupled with proper exercise. You have to make a conscious effort for this. Andrepparttar 148486 solution for this is a work out routine.

When we think aboutrepparttar 148487 life inrepparttar 148488 country, there is always something rosy about it. What is it thatrepparttar 148489 people inrepparttar 148490 country have that we do not? When you ponder about it you find that those lucky souls eat good food, they work really hard, by work I mean real physical work and they have good night’s sleep. Of course they do not have allrepparttar 148491 amenities and facilities thatrepparttar 148492 city life has to offer.

Butrepparttar 148493 city life comes with a lot of strings attached. People inrepparttar 148494 cities are generally less healthy thanrepparttar 148495 people inrepparttar 148496 country. One ofrepparttar 148497 reasons is pollution of course butrepparttar 148498 other reason is because people inrepparttar 148499 city do not get enough exercise.

Now, when I talk about healthy bodies please make no mistake about what I am referring to. I am not talking aboutrepparttar 148500 Mr. Universe kind of body,repparttar 148501 bodies that we see on WWF.

I am talking about people who are fit. And fitness and exercise are just two sides ofrepparttar 148502 same coin. They both go hand in hand.

In order to stay fit you need exercise and in order to exercise you need to be fit. But just because you are not fit now, it does not mean that you shouldn’t exercise.

And just like that, just because you do not have any visible excess fat on your body right now, it does not mean that you need no exercise. Exercise isrepparttar 148503 best way to keep obesity, cardio vascular disorders, hypertension and all those lifestyle-related disorders under control.

First of all let us get one point straight, exercise does not necessarily mean pumping metal. If you do haverepparttar 148504 time to go to a gymnasium everyday, then that is well and good.

But I suppose most of us do not haverepparttar 148505 time for a regular work out in a gym. Sorepparttar 148506 other alternative is to do it at home of course.

What Actually are Plyometrics and Plyometric Training?

Written by Kevin Doberstein CFT

Article intro: I was first introduced to Plyometrics for competitive karate tournaments. More specifically, sparring or point fighting. I used plyometric-training theories to help me come offrepparttar line faster and beat my opponent torepparttar 148359 first point scored. Sometimes a simple backfist punch wasrepparttar 148360 only thing needed to winrepparttar 148361 match. I also used Plyometric training to increase my kicking speed. In this brief article, I will be discussing some highlights of Plyometrics.

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What Actually are Plyometrics and Plyometric Training? By Kevin Doberstein CFT Copyright © 2005 Nature Boy Bodybuilding

I was first introduced to Plyometrics for competitive karate tournaments. More specifically, sparring or point fighting. I used plyometric-training theories to help me come offrepparttar 148362 line faster and beat my opponent torepparttar 148363 first point scored. Sometimes a simple backfist punch wasrepparttar 148364 only thing needed to winrepparttar 148365 match. I also used Plyometric training to increase my kicking speed. In this brief article, I will be discussing some highlights of Plyometrics.

Plyometrics by definition is; a type of exercise using explosive movements to develop muscular power, esp. bounding, hopping, and jumping. This somewhat narrow interpretation doesn’t go into detail what this training method can do to help you with your chosen field of sport. It is without nutrition particulars that coincide with plyometric training. Also, it fails to specify which energy system is used byrepparttar 148366 body for this type of conditioning.

The term “Plyometrics” was created inrepparttar 148367 mid-seventies by track coaches looking for an edge. Plyometric training stimulatesrepparttar 148368 fast twitch muscle fiber. The fast twitch or white fiber is responsible for explosive type of muscular movements. The main objective in Plyometric training is to improve fastness through strength. This is accomplished by applying exerted energy with velocity. This process includes makingrepparttar 148369 amortization portion ofrepparttar 148370 strength curve as short as possible to increase power inrepparttar 148371 concentric motion. The strength curve is comprised of 3 components. The eccentric, amortization andrepparttar 148372 concentric. To better explain let’s takerepparttar 148373 bench press for example. Atrepparttar 148374 beginning ofrepparttar 148375 bench-press you are holdingrepparttar 148376 barbell overhead. As you lower it to your chestrepparttar 148377 eccentric (or negative) portion is being preformed. When you stop atrepparttar 148378 bottom, or on your chest,repparttar 148379 amortization period takes place. Whenrepparttar 148380 barbell is lifted off your chest,repparttar 148381 concentric movement is preformed.

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