It Can Happen To You

Written by Jane Langdon

The dot com business is alive and well for those wanting to pursue it. What if you don’t know how to use a computer? Can anyone have twenty successful businesses onrepparttar internet in four years? Six years ago Jane Langdon did not know how to turn on a computer. Today she has twenty successful internet businesses. You can too.

It all started because her favorite perfume was discontinued. Jane started to study chemistry and learnrepparttar 138044 internet so she could read everything written about perfumery. She bought a computer and taught herself how to use it. Finally she mixed a perfume. People began to ask her what she was wearing. So she started an internet business, House of Rose, with one rose perfume. Today she has more than 55 long lasting, non alcohol perfumes at

She then had a copy of a Chanel suit made by a seamstress for a trade show in New York City. So many people wanted to know where she got it, so she started her second business, Sew Beautiful By Natasha and Jane. They make custom couture suits, dresses, evening gowns, pageant and bridal attire at

The now famous poncho that Martha Stewart wore upon her release from Camp Cupcake can now be yours. Made for her as a going away gift from a fellow inmate, it has become known asrepparttar 138045 “Welcome Back” poncho. The woman who maderepparttar 138046 poncho, Xiomaro Hernandez, will get 10% ofrepparttar 138047 profits after her release from Alderson in 2008. The site is

Want to browse unique fashion items onrepparttar 138048 internet? . A Passion for Fashion has lovely charms, blouses, shoes, handbags and more for sale. Each monthrepparttar 138049 items change so you will always berepparttar 138050 informed ofrepparttar 138051 newest delights at

Soon some of her friends asked her to help them put up an internet site because they liked her businesses and wanted to start their own. After she helped them, she decided to offer her services to others and started Your Net Store

Her sister-in-law has Parkinson’s Disease and her biggest problem was taking her medications on time. She askedrepparttar 138052 doctor if there was a system to help her sister-in-law and he said no, but would gladly welcome one. Pill Proof at solvedrepparttar 138053 problem of medication compliance.

Jane had met her husband ten years ago through a personnel dating service and always felt they could be improved on. Friends said she had good advice about how to approach this new way to meet people. She decided to start a very selective marriage service that included questions to 101 important elements for a good match. See Hopeful Romantic at

Success-- The Key and the Fire

Written by Dianne Ronnow

Self-discipline is a powerful tool that can help you accomplish about anything you can dream or imagine. Self-discipline isrepparttar act of controlling our emotions, actions, thoughts, words and personal direction. Some people seem to be naturally self-controlled and some seem to have no self-control at all. Others seem to constantly struggle with self-discipline.

Discipline is learning to say “no” to our primitive uncontrolled cravings and selfish destructive desires. We develop self-management when we begin to distinguishrepparttar 137898 difference between what is actually needed and what is truly unnecessary.

Because ofrepparttar 137899 ease of modern society and our ability to get anything we want at a push of a button orrepparttar 137900 swipe of a card, it is far more difficult to exert self-control today than it has been in any other time in human history. Added to this isrepparttar 137901 brainwashing of advertising that tells us to crave things.

The first step to gaining self-control is to identifyrepparttar 137902 areas where we are out of control. Work on self-denial inrepparttar 137903 areas you want to change. Deny your self a certain pleasure each day. Then begin to start small with little victories each day, like eating one less snack or watching one less television show.

A key to discipline is developing routines. People who have routines tend to be more disciplined and accomplish more. If you are one of those people who have trouble with routines, try adding just one at a time. Keep it simple. Work onrepparttar 137904 things that are most important first. Evaluate yourself regularly to see how you are doing. Reward yourself for keeping at it. Once it becomes a habit, it is much easier to maintain.

Of course, routines can be done to excess, so remember to give yourself a little healthy leeway in caserepparttar 137905 unexpected comes up.

The power behind some ofrepparttar 137906 world’s greatest achievements is strong motivation andrepparttar 137907 ability to persist despite previous failures. Motivation isrepparttar 137908 fire that fuels our efforts toward success. There is no use in trying to master self-discipline if you have no motivation to have it. Motivation is a result of strong personal desire that directs a person’s actions and thoughts and helps create situations that move toward a specific accomplishment.

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